Thursday, August 26, 2010

Music & Fellowship Program

Sunday, Sept. 12th 4:00- 6:00 PM

Former NUMC member Everett Barber will be visiting in the area and will provide a music program.

Please plan to join us for a fun time!

Back to School -- Back to Church

September 12 is an important day in our church life. It is back to Church Day. Invite a friend or relative who has never been to church. Invite a friend or relative who has not been in a long time to return to church. If they can't come on September 12, the entire month of September is Open House month in the United Methodist Church. So let's all invite someone else to perhaps the most important activity that we engage in -- care of the soul and joy-filled living. Invitation cards will be provided. September 12 is also Sunday School Rally Day.

The MACC Food Pantry

"Summer has taken its toll on the MACC food pantry. With fewer food drives and a higher demand, the food pantry shelves are almost bare. We especially need meat soups, beef stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal, corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans, baking mixes and coffee. Thanks to all who have been faithfully donating throughout the summer." Thank you for your continued generosity.

Monday, August 23, 2010

NUMC Tag Sale

The NUMC Tag Sale will be held on Saturday, September 11.

Now is the time to start bringing the gently used items that clutter up your house for the Tag Sale!

We are now collecting items in the basement room across from the Sunday School office. There is a sign that says "Place Tag Sale items here." This is a great time to clear out those unwanted items.

Remember: We don't take clothing or large furniture but will sell everything else.

One man's junk is another man's treasure!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Youth Mission Trip

Check out our facebook page to follow our youth and their leaders on their 2010 Mission Trip. They have been posting updates regularly!

Memorial Remembers Victims Of Hartford Distributors Tragedy -

Memorial Remembers Victims Of Hartford Distributors Tragedy -

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prayer Service

An interdenominational prayer service is set for August 10, the one-week anniversary of the mass killing to help the community cope with the tragedy and mourn the loss of the Hartford Distributors workers. The service is expected to last about an hour and is scheduled for 6:30 pm. The Mayor of Manchester and other town officials will be attending and the church will be open for any in the community to come and join in prayer of this tragic event.

Thursday Evening Prayer

Next Sessions: August 12 and 26

All are invited as we learn about prayer and how to pray for our congregation, community, and self. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. You may sign up in the Memorial Room, though all are invited even if you didn't get a chance to sign up.

New Sermon Online

Sermons are online on our website up to and including August 1st.