Monday, November 29, 2010

SCRIP — FIRST STOP for Holiday Shopping!

Gift Cards are not just to give as gifts. As you plan holiday shopping, please consider buying gift cards for the stores at which you will shop and use them instead of cash. You’ll be donating to the church at the same time! We’re not asking you to spend money that you are not already spending.

Online Ordering Now Available go to

Register using the NUMC church code:

Place your order no later than 1:00 pm on the Monday of any given week, and your Scrip Cards will be available for pick-up on the following Sunday
morning. Pay for cards when you pick them up.

Thank you to those continuing to make routine purchases on Sunday mornings. If you have not participated yet, please consider doing so. Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991. Thank you!

BE READY: Walk in the Light

This past Sunday's sermon is now on our website for your listening pleasure.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dramatic Christmas Musical

The Little Star: A Christmas Fantasy by Georgene Meddows will be performed at North United Methodist Church in Manchester, CT on Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 7:00 pm with a Carol Sing to follow. Refreshments will be served. Please join us to celebrate this Holiday Season. Invite your family and friends, people love to be invited. For Facebook connected folks you can also invite through the event we have created there.

New Sermon Online

The sermon from the November 21 service at North United Methodist Church is now on our website for your listening pleasure.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Order Your Pointsettias

Poinsettia cost remains $19.00


The poinsettias will decorate the chancel. We hope you will leave your plants on the chancel until Christmas Sunday, December 26. You may order by phone by calling Doris Timbrell at 860-649-6494, or you may fill out an Order Form which can be found at church.

Thanks For a Great Auction

A HUGE Thank you to SO many people for making our Church Auction such a great success!
OVER $12,000 Raised!!

Hosted by our Auction Chairperson, Anita Haynes, and led by Joe LeBlanc, our very energized auctioneer, it was a fabulous evening of fellowship!

Thank you to SO many many people who helped by: donating services and goods, soliciting donations, cataloging all donations, making programs and auction paddles, baking desserts, hauling all the items to the venue and setting it all up, cashing people out, inviting friends and family, and bidding on items,… just to name a few tasks.

“Every Generous act of giving… is from above,
coming down from the Father…” - James 1:17