We especially need: meat soups, beef stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal, corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans, bak-ing mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4 & 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans, canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach, clam chowder, peanut butter, canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed pota-toes, dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise, gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles, sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black, white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams, snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.Everyone is invited to join the committee on Sunday afternoon, April 10th to deliver the bags to the MACC Food Pantry. We will then sort the food, check the expiration dates, and stock the pantry shelves. Jacki Campion, Director of Volunteer Services, will be on hand to explain a little about how the pantry works. Several people have expressed an interest in seeing where their donated food goes and how the food pantry operates. This is also a wonderful opportunity to involve the children in giving to those in need.
We expect this will run from about 1:30 to 2:30 or 3:00. We hope you will be inspired during this Lenten season to think of your neighbors who may be struggling during the economic downturn. James 2:8 reminds us: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
More information will be forthcoming as to times and logistics.