Thursday, November 21, 2013
Potluck and DS December 1st
Charge Conference * Sunday-December 1, Heidi Chamberland, our District
Superintendent, will meet with SPRC at 9:30am, followed by Worship at 10:30.
At the completion of the service there will be a potluck lunch, and the
Charge Conference immediately following lunch.
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Birthday Club
Want to have fun and give back to your community through MACC?
Participate in The Birthday Club™ !!!
What is The Birthday Club™ ?
Food donations made in honor of a special event! In addition to celebrating birthdays, The Birthday Club™ is used for a variety of celebrations including anniversaries, pro-motions, graduations, SuperBowl parties, and other special occassions. Any occasion is perfect for The Birthday Club!
Check it out at:
Participate in The Birthday Club™ !!!
What is The Birthday Club™ ?
Food donations made in honor of a special event! In addition to celebrating birthdays, The Birthday Club™ is used for a variety of celebrations including anniversaries, pro-motions, graduations, SuperBowl parties, and other special occassions. Any occasion is perfect for The Birthday Club!
Check it out at:
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Saturday, November 9 * 6:00 PM
All are invited to gather for an evening of
fellowship and good eats!
Saturday, November 9 * 6:00 PM
All are invited to gather for an evening of
fellowship and good eats!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Stephen's Ministry Program Presentation
Stephen's Ministry Program Presentation
Sunday, September 29
Directly following Worship Service
Members of Stephen's Ministry from Westfield, MA will provide an informational presentation about Stephen's Ministries. The program will run for approximately 2 hours which includes a luncheon.
We extend an invitation to all members and friends of NUMC who are interested to learn about this ministry, and to be prayerful about exploring the possibility of such a ministry here at North.
We hope you will plan to attend and join in the conversation!
Please let the church office know if you plan to attend so we can have an approximate count to plan for the luncheon.
Sunday, September 29
Directly following Worship Service
Members of Stephen's Ministry from Westfield, MA will provide an informational presentation about Stephen's Ministries. The program will run for approximately 2 hours which includes a luncheon.
We extend an invitation to all members and friends of NUMC who are interested to learn about this ministry, and to be prayerful about exploring the possibility of such a ministry here at North.
We hope you will plan to attend and join in the conversation!
Please let the church office know if you plan to attend so we can have an approximate count to plan for the luncheon.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Planning Meeting
Sunday, September 8 from 12 p - 4 p
There will be a POTLUCK followed by a MEETING to make plans for the remainder of this year and 2014.
Topics will include (but are not limited to):
- Mission Work
- Holiday Worship Services
- Fellowship Events
- Fund Raisers
- Additional special planning
Please mark this event on your calendar and prayerfully consider the gifts and talents you possess which can contribute to the commitment we all hold to the Mission of North UMC.
We look forward to a productive and inspiring time together!
A sign-up is available in the Memorial Room.
New Tidings
The September and October edition of Tidings, our newsletter, is now available on our website,
This issue is packed with information and opportunities. Please take a couple minutes to look it over.
It only takes a couple clicks to share, it may be just what someone needs!
This issue is packed with information and opportunities. Please take a couple minutes to look it over.
It only takes a couple clicks to share, it may be just what someone needs!
Monday, August 12, 2013
NEW Bible Study with Pastor Dave
6 Week Study begins Tuesday, September 10 * 6:30pm
CHANGE the WORLD — Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
Linking Bible study to global mission and local service projects, this six-session small group resource enables congregations to discuss and act on the imperatives of scripture.Each week, participants will read and discuss a gospel story, watch a video profiling an inspiring, world-changing mission effort, and envision together how they can change the world locally and globally. Participants won’t just read about Jesus feeding the 5000 or healing the lepers, but will be inspired by contemporary ministries feeding the poor and preventing malaria. Participants will be challenged to take a leading role in the congregation’s missional efforts, serving in a homeless shelter as a group, raising funds for disaster relief, or planning a church -wide day of service.
Jesus called us to follow him, to live a life of active faith, feeding the poor, healing the sick, welcoming the alien, and rescuing the desperate. It’s easy to get stuck in our religious habits of just going to church, tossing a few bucks in the offering plate, and occasionally reading our Bible—but Jesus has bigger plans for us. We are called to be his hands and feet in the world. He wants to use us to change the world.
Study sessions begin with a potluck. Please sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Questions may be directed to Pastor Dave.
New Sermons Available
Be sure to check out the latest sermons available to be listened to at
Sunday, July 28, 2013
New Sermons Up
Check out this week's sermon as well as last week's on our website. Thanks to Jack Bertrand of JB Electronics for making us able to have sermon recordings to share again. If I hadn't been able to catch up on what I missed last week I wouldn't know about the frog in the pot!
Monday, July 8, 2013
July/August Tidings available
Check out the July/August issue of our newsletter Tidings. Read the greeting from our new pastor and catch up on all that is going on.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 6/26/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Thursday, June 20, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 6/19/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 6/12/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Monday, June 3, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 5/29/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Friday, May 24, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 5/22/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Thursday, May 9, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 5/8/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
Be sure to also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Thursday, May 2, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 4/24/2013
In this issue…
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
- Donations for families affected by Marathon tragedy
- Society of St Andrew Announces Feinstein Challenge
- Musical Helpers Needed for Learning Centers at Annual Conference
- NEJ United Methodist Volunteers Seeks Mission Coordinator
- Have you considered Pilgrimage as a spiritual practice?
- Massachusetts Bible Society Offers Bible Study Materials
- CMA District Announces Leadership Event - "You Might Be A Leader, You Can Be A Great Leader!"
- Preachers Aid Society - Third Occasional Clergy and Parish Professional Family Camp
- Strategic Planning Team to report and engage with Annual Conference 2013
- Share the love. Save a life. A Mother's Day tribute
- Missionary Belinda Forbes in New England
- Reminder: Annual Conference Registration deadline May 1
- Reminder: Applications being accepted for staff position
- NEJ Commission on Archives and History to meet in New Hampshire
- Resources from the General Board of Discipleship
- Appointment Changes Announced
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Monday, April 29, 2013
New Tidings
The May/June issue of our newsletter is now available on our website.
Sermons have been added as well.
Sermons have been added as well.
This Sunday is our Communion Breakfast
Hello Everyone!
This coming Sunday, May 5 is our Communion Breakfast Sunday. There will NOT be Sunday School, and the congregation will sit at tables with families and friends during the service. Following the sermon and communion, we will all share in breakfast for the remainder of the service and into fellowship time.
Thank you to all those who have already signed up to bring something to share at the breakfast.
For anyone who did not have the opportunity to sign-up, please find below a short list of items still needed. If you choose to donate something, items should be brought to church by 9:30 on Sunday morning please.
Items still needed:
Apple Juice - 2 bottles
Grapes (3 lbs) - 4 bags
Baked Goods (no nuts)
Please send a reply with what you intend to donate.
Thank you!
Irene Fitzgerald
This coming Sunday, May 5 is our Communion Breakfast Sunday. There will NOT be Sunday School, and the congregation will sit at tables with families and friends during the service. Following the sermon and communion, we will all share in breakfast for the remainder of the service and into fellowship time.
Thank you to all those who have already signed up to bring something to share at the breakfast.
For anyone who did not have the opportunity to sign-up, please find below a short list of items still needed. If you choose to donate something, items should be brought to church by 9:30 on Sunday morning please.
Items still needed:
Apple Juice - 2 bottles
Grapes (3 lbs) - 4 bags
Baked Goods (no nuts)
Please send a reply with what you intend to donate.
Thank you!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Together in Christ a letter from Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
Easter 2013
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord!
As we read the Gospel stories of the first Easter morning, we see different kinds of reactions and responses to the Easter. Many of the early players in the resurrection story were not able to understand the Easter at first glance. Some of them were terrified, some were confused, and some were filled with sadness. However, as we read the Gospels we soon realize that it was only when the disciples encountered the Resurrected Christ in person that things changed! Some of the doubting and confused followers of Jesus became the witnessing community!
As we reflect upon these stories around the first Easter morning in the context of the 21st century, we need to acknowledge that the climate around us today is not much different from that first Easter morning. Reactions and responses to Easter are varied, even today. Many in the world, and sadly some in the Church too, look at Easter in terms of Easter bunnies, Easter candies, and Easter lilies. Though these things may be a part of the celebration, they are not the main subject of the Easter message. Though we may share the message of Easter in many powerful ways, one of those messages may be found in our hymnal: "Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia" (Charles Wesley). As baptized Christians, it is our responsibility as Easter people not only to sing this but to proclaim this message to the world through our prayers and actions. Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, may we ask the following questions of ourselves:
- What does Easter mean to me?
- In what ways do I experience the resurrected Christ?
- As people of God (the Church), in what ways do we enable our neighbors to experience the resurrected Christ?
It is my hope that all of us ponder these questions prayerfully so we may all blossom for the glory of God, filled with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
One of the amazing factors of Easter is that the Risen Christ took time to answer all the questions posed to him and quenched the doubts of the people by addressing their questions. The people around us in their search for faith do ask questions! During his earthly ministry, the Risen Christ encountered and engaged people from various backgrounds such as Zacchaeus, the Samaritan woman, and a legal expert who came to him with the question “What must I do to gain eternal life?” (Luke 10:25) by showing them the marks of the reign of God through deeper dialogue. Likewise, may we as a Church take faith questions in the spirit in which they are asked and do our best to answer them in the spirit of the Risen Christ.
As I am writing this message, I am also asking myself how I, as your brother in Christ and as your Episcopal leader, am doing in this area. It is very important for us to be honest with one another and answer the questions that are being asked of us to the best of our ability and knowledge.
One question I have been asked in some quarters is what I meant when I said in one of my recent letters in regard to the Boy Scouts of America’s position on inclusion of homosexuals, " We recognize that there are many strong opinions and considerations on many sides of this issue, and my prayer is that we will be faithful to the Scriptures and to our social principles, and that our words and actions will witness to the world that we are the church of Jesus Christ.” What I meant by this was that the 2012 Book of Discipline states, "We affirm that God's grace is available to all. We will seek to live together in Christian community, welcoming, forgiving, and loving one another, as Christ has loved and accepted us. We implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in ministry with all persons." (¶161 F)
I truly appreciate your care in asking me to clarify what I meant. It really means a lot to me. I hope and pray that as Easter people, we remain in dialogue with one another as people of God.
Prema joins me in wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, joyful, and powerful Easter.
Your brother-in-Christ,
Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
Thursday, March 28, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 3/27/2013
In this issue…
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
- Online Application for Mission Scholarships now available
- April 1 Deadline for Ziegler Preacher and Social Justice Award Nomination Forms
- New England Conference Scholarships " 2013-2014
- School of Congregational Development 2013
- A New Church Planter Training and Support Initiative for the Northeastern Jurisdiction
- File by May 15th for Tax Credit from Health Insurance Premiums Paid
- Reminder: MBH Worship Workshop with Marcia McFee
- Appointment Changes Announced
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Friday, March 22, 2013
New Sermon Online and Lots Happening
Check out the most recent sermon, now available online on the revamped sermons page. Please let the NUMC web administrator know if there are any issues as testing every option is impossible.
March 24 Palm/Passion Sunday with Easter Cantata at 10:00am
March 26 Upper Room Meal at 6:30 pm
March 28 Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm
March 29 Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm
March 30 Holy Saturday Vigil at 4-7 pm
March 31 Easter Sunday Service at 10:00 am
UMCatalyst News Notes 3/20/2013
In this issue…
Superheroes of the Faith " SoSA"s 2013 VBS Mission Program is Ready!
Mission u Coming This Summer
Living Arts April Week-end at Camp Aldersgate
Hispanic/Latino Ministry Installs New Board
Resources from the General Board of Discipleship
INTERact to End Hunger seeks pilot churches for new program
Free Webinar from General Board of Discipleship
Worship Workshop with Marcia McFee
District Resourcing Days
Come Celebrate our Hispanic/Latino Ministries
Appointment Changes Announced
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Superheroes of the Faith " SoSA"s 2013 VBS Mission Program is Ready!
Mission u Coming This Summer
Living Arts April Week-end at Camp Aldersgate
Hispanic/Latino Ministry Installs New Board
Resources from the General Board of Discipleship
INTERact to End Hunger seeks pilot churches for new program
Free Webinar from General Board of Discipleship
Worship Workshop with Marcia McFee
District Resourcing Days
Come Celebrate our Hispanic/Latino Ministries
Appointment Changes Announced
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Thursday, March 7, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 3/6/2013
- Cape Church Holds Successful Gun Buy Back
- Laity Board Announces Contest For Annual Conference Address
- Your United Methodist Federal Credit Union Invites You to Declare Your Faith
- United in One Vision & One Mind- Hispanic/Latino Ministries
- Youth Leadership Training at Camp Mechuwana
- Reminder: Mission of Peace 2014 Application Deadline extended to March 15th
- Registration Deadline This Friday for Metro Boston Hope District Leadership Academy
- Resources from the General Board of Discipleship
- Appointment Changes Announced
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
New Sermon Online and Ash Wednesday Reminder
Remember that there is an Ash Wednesday service tonight at NUMC at 7:00 pm. Come observe the beginning of lent and check out the many opportunities to be observant throughout lent.
Many were snowbound on Sunday but the service did go on. Here is the sermon for all who would like to hear To Be Transformed from Transfiguration Sunday.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Ash Wednesday Service
Tomorrow, Wednesday February 13th at 7:00 pm NUMC will have an Ash Wednesday Service.
Chancel choir rehearsal will begin directly following the service, at approximately 7:30 pm.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Lenten Opportunities and Sermon Series
Click here to read all about opportunities during lent and preview the sermon series that will run throughout.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Together in Christ - A Letter From Our Bishop
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I write this letter, thanking and praising our Creator God in and through the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, using the words of the Psalmist, who said, "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits..." (Psalm 103:1-2).
I thank God for each and every one of you, for your hearts of generosity, minds for the mission of God around the world, and love and compassion for all the people of God. In 2012, in addition to supporting faithfully all the ministries and missions in your respective local churches, you have enabled the Committee on Finance and Administration of the New England Annual Conference, the leaders at all levels, and Conference staff to send 80% of the general apportioned funds to the ministries and missions of the United Methodist Church in the United States and around the world. This figure is 4.89% higher than 2011. Furthermore, you have supported several second mile advance missions within and beyond the Conference throughout the year. On top of this, you have sacrificially given $77,100.38 to UMCOR for the ministry and mission to the victims of Superstorm Sandy and an additional $29,674.20 for the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference Disaster Relief Fund, also for Superstorm Sandy.
As your Episcopal leader, I am deeply touched and moved by your sacrificial and loving support for the global ministry and mission of the Church! I know that some of you are in very challenging financial situations. Your willingness to join one another in our accomplishments for ministry and mission of the global community means a lot to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Having been a recipient of the ministry of the global mission and having personally witnessed how even a single cent can make a difference in some parts of the world, I cannot thank you and praise you enough for your generosity and love. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." We do not know what is ahead of us, but we do know we will face challenges. Nevertheless, by God’s grace, we can make prayer the first step in reaching any goal God sets before us. It is my hope and prayer that with your help and support, we will become a 100% apportionment-paying Conference before the end of the quadrennium (2016)! Will you kindly join me in praying that this goal becomes a reality? Kindly remember God loves you all and so do I!
With a grateful heart, deep admiration, thanks, and appreciation to each and every one of you, the leadership of the CFA, all the other leadership of the Conference at various levels and the staff who are in ministry with us.
Your brother in Christ,
Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I write this letter, thanking and praising our Creator God in and through the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, using the words of the Psalmist, who said, "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits..." (Psalm 103:1-2).
I thank God for each and every one of you, for your hearts of generosity, minds for the mission of God around the world, and love and compassion for all the people of God. In 2012, in addition to supporting faithfully all the ministries and missions in your respective local churches, you have enabled the Committee on Finance and Administration of the New England Annual Conference, the leaders at all levels, and Conference staff to send 80% of the general apportioned funds to the ministries and missions of the United Methodist Church in the United States and around the world. This figure is 4.89% higher than 2011. Furthermore, you have supported several second mile advance missions within and beyond the Conference throughout the year. On top of this, you have sacrificially given $77,100.38 to UMCOR for the ministry and mission to the victims of Superstorm Sandy and an additional $29,674.20 for the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference Disaster Relief Fund, also for Superstorm Sandy.
As your Episcopal leader, I am deeply touched and moved by your sacrificial and loving support for the global ministry and mission of the Church! I know that some of you are in very challenging financial situations. Your willingness to join one another in our accomplishments for ministry and mission of the global community means a lot to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Having been a recipient of the ministry of the global mission and having personally witnessed how even a single cent can make a difference in some parts of the world, I cannot thank you and praise you enough for your generosity and love. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." We do not know what is ahead of us, but we do know we will face challenges. Nevertheless, by God’s grace, we can make prayer the first step in reaching any goal God sets before us. It is my hope and prayer that with your help and support, we will become a 100% apportionment-paying Conference before the end of the quadrennium (2016)! Will you kindly join me in praying that this goal becomes a reality? Kindly remember God loves you all and so do I!
With a grateful heart, deep admiration, thanks, and appreciation to each and every one of you, the leadership of the CFA, all the other leadership of the Conference at various levels and the staff who are in ministry with us.
Your brother in Christ,
Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar
UMCatalyst News Notes 1/16/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Friday, January 11, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 1/9/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
From the Pastor's desk...
Dear NUMC,
The world did not come to an end on December 12 2012.
Praise God! Not that I ever had any doubt that we would still be here in what humanity has tagged the year 2013. There have however, been some rather disturbing events happening all around us. Still fresh in our minds is the Newtown tragedy where twenty innocent children and eight adults were killed. I am including the lives of the gunman and his mother as well. Our Lord Jesus Christ would have been concerned about their souls too . We grieve with that town that is still hurting.
There were other dark happenings, besides other shootings and other precious lives lost, there were storms, tornadoes, and events of nature that caused much disruption and displacement. Add to that the Fiscal Cliff/Slope/Curb that occupied the time of our federal representatives right down to the beginning of the year. The times, they are a-changing, sang Bob Dylan in the 1960’s, and we are still in the midst of changing times.
This is a good time to be reminded that God never changes, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Never mind what changes we go through ,we can be sure that we can turn to God for all of our questions answered and all of our needs supplied. What has changed over time is our understanding of God as we take the time to open ourselves to God’s revelation of God’s self to us. My prayer for all of us this year is that we grow closer to God and look to an Omniscient God to direct our lives. That is where our security lies—with God; not with guns, not with money, not with things, not with other people, not with power, but with God. It is God who gives us the ability to create our lives in whatever ways we want to. If our focus is on weapons of destruction then that is what we will realize in our lives. If we focus on Jesus, then Christ-like things will occur. And we can make our lives new again. Remember all these other things are temporary, even our lives are temporary. Only God is eternal. It makes sense to me that we should place our bets with the eternal (woops, not Methodists, we don’t gamble) but if I were taking a gamble, I’d go with God all the time! May 2013 be a year of abundant blessings, a year of the Lord’s favor!
Pastor Laurel
The world did not come to an end on December 12 2012.
Praise God! Not that I ever had any doubt that we would still be here in what humanity has tagged the year 2013. There have however, been some rather disturbing events happening all around us. Still fresh in our minds is the Newtown tragedy where twenty innocent children and eight adults were killed. I am including the lives of the gunman and his mother as well. Our Lord Jesus Christ would have been concerned about their souls too . We grieve with that town that is still hurting.
There were other dark happenings, besides other shootings and other precious lives lost, there were storms, tornadoes, and events of nature that caused much disruption and displacement. Add to that the Fiscal Cliff/Slope/Curb that occupied the time of our federal representatives right down to the beginning of the year. The times, they are a-changing, sang Bob Dylan in the 1960’s, and we are still in the midst of changing times.
This is a good time to be reminded that God never changes, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Never mind what changes we go through ,we can be sure that we can turn to God for all of our questions answered and all of our needs supplied. What has changed over time is our understanding of God as we take the time to open ourselves to God’s revelation of God’s self to us. My prayer for all of us this year is that we grow closer to God and look to an Omniscient God to direct our lives. That is where our security lies—with God; not with guns, not with money, not with things, not with other people, not with power, but with God. It is God who gives us the ability to create our lives in whatever ways we want to. If our focus is on weapons of destruction then that is what we will realize in our lives. If we focus on Jesus, then Christ-like things will occur. And we can make our lives new again. Remember all these other things are temporary, even our lives are temporary. Only God is eternal. It makes sense to me that we should place our bets with the eternal (woops, not Methodists, we don’t gamble) but if I were taking a gamble, I’d go with God all the time! May 2013 be a year of abundant blessings, a year of the Lord’s favor!
Pastor Laurel
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. See, I am making all things new.”Revelation 22, 21-25; 21: 5
Sunday, January 6, 2013
New Tidings for January and February
Check out the new edition of Tidings, our bi-monthly newsletter, is available on our website. There has been a lot happening and more is to come. Read all about it.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
UMCatalyst News Notes 1/2/2013
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
+North United Methodist Church, Manchester, CT, USA
UMCatalyst News Notes
You can also check out old issues in the News and Publication Archives of the New England Conference of The United Methodist Church
+North United Methodist Church, Manchester, CT, USA
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