- What is the meaning of life?
- What happens when we die?
- What relevance does Jesus have for our lives?
- How do we deal with guilt?
If you would like to explore questions like these, then ALPHA is for you.
What Is Alpha?
Anyone interested in finding out more about Christian faith. Adults of all ages are welcome.
Learning and laughter. It is possible to learn about Christian faith and have fun at the same time.
People meeting together. An opportunity to get to know others and make new friends.
Helping one another. The small groups give you a chance to discuss issues raised during the talks.
Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is seen too simple or too hostile.
The Alpha course will meet for ten weeks beginning Thursday, January 14, 2010.
In the Memorial room you will find brochures with registration forms and more information. Please speak with Pastor Laurel with any questions.