Friday, April 30, 2010


Orders have fallen off the past few weeks and we encourage everyone to please consider supporting this ongoing fundraiser which has already profited over $2000 for the church in less than a year. Thank you to those continuing to make routine purchases on Sunday mornings.
If you have not participated yet, please consider doing so.

Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at
860-712-9991. Thank you!

Online Ordering Now Available
go to
Register using the NUMC church code:

Place your order no later than 1:00 pm on the Monday of any given week, and your Scrip Cards will be available for pick-up on the following Sunday morning.

Pay for cards when you pick them up.

Sunday, May 2 - One Service at 10 am

The congregation will come together at one service on May 2 to celebrate Christian Family Week and the Festival of the Christian Home with Communion Breakfast. We will all share a breakfast of fruit and baked goods with a variety of beverages during the service. Please bring something to be shared at the breakfast. Volunteers will also be needed to help with filling baked good baskets and setting out items on the tables.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Knitting Ministry

THE KNITTING MINISTRY will meet the 1st and 3rd Monday in May(May 3rd and 17th) from 1pm to 2:30 pm in the Memorial Room.

We have been working on items for the Community Baby Shower which is in May. Donations of baby yarn or monetary donations to purchase baby yarn is greatly appreciated. We continue to work on Prayer Shawls and Lap blankets. If you would like to work at home and submit items, we happily accept all.

The Ministry welcomes new members. You don't have to know how to knit or crochet. Our patterns are easy and we are all patient teachers. We do have some crochet hooks and knitting needles available if you would like to give yarn work a try. Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, peaceful music, tea, and Linda's cookies.

For more information contact: Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609; Sue Derby 860-643-4589; Diana Custer 860-875-9805.

Over 50's Fellowship

May 5, 2010 at 12 pm

The Over 50's will meet on May 5 for game day. Bring a sandwich, and
dessert and beverage will be provided.

Come and have some fun!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wesleyan Study Group

The WSG will be completing its discussions on Barbara Bradley Hagerty's Fingerprints of God — The Search for the Science of Spirituality this month. We will meet on May 4 to discuss Chapters 9 & 10; and on May 25 to discuss Chapters 11 & 12. WSG books can be borrowed from the church library. Questions about WSG may be directed to Carolyn Gimbrone (860-643-9310).

April 25 Sermons Now Online

The sermons from April 25th are now up on the Sermons page of our website.

April 18 Sermon Now Online

The sermon from April 18th is now up on the Sermons page of our website. Check it out and hear the message given by special guest Deb Grehn.

Friday, April 23, 2010

May Issue of Tidings Online

The May issue of Tidings, the NUMC monthly newsletter, is now available.

In it you will find these articles and information:
  • Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
  • Way of the Cross
  • SCRIP — a wonderful Fund Raising Program.
  • May Music Fellowship
  • Adult Bible Study
  • All Church Workday
  • Worship Assignments
  • Social Principles
  • Mayor's Breakfast
  • NEW Member
  • Calendar
And much more…

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ya Gotta Eat

Combine that need with a good cause and supporting a local business… You have the perfect reason to enjoy a meal out with family and/or friends and no guilt!

Mangia For MACC flyer

Although we have MACC Member Churches, Faith Groups and Friends selected for each week – you can go any of the times –and as many times you like to benefit MACC Charities.

Remember- you have to say you are there to support MACC in order for us to get the % of your meal.

One more thing…
Will you please pass this one to your family – friends and colleagues???? thank you!

Beth Stafford
Executive Director
MACC Charities
(860) 647-0440

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Health Care For All

The United Methodist Church responds to Jesus’ call by working for Health Care for all
Adapted and reprinted from “Faith In Action, March 23, 2010."

In late March, the United States Congress passed a health care reform law that takes a huge step towards making this a reality. The United Methodist Social Principles declares health care is “a basic human right.”

The United States took a huge step toward affirming this right last night when the House of Representatives passed health insurance reform legislation. The President signed the
legislation one day later. A second bill was adopted by a vote of 220 to 211 and now goes to the Senate, where it is expected to pass.

I appreciate that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thanked The United Methodist Church for the support our denomination has given to health care reform. For decades, the General Board of Church & Society has worked alongside thousands of United Methodists to achieve health care for all in the U.S.; this vote brings us closer to that reality. When signed into law there will be important protections for every person including banning health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. Health care reform will ensure that more Americans have access to health insurance. Over 31 million Americans are currently uninsured; this legislation will assist low income working people who cannot afford the steep prices for health insurance now.

Jesus’ ministry serves as an example and a call to serve the least and the last among us. He asked us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves — setting forth a faith grounded in God’s abundance, generosity and a capacity for love that knows no bounds.

We are not finished. There is more work to be done in the weeks, months and years ahead. United Methodist Resolution #3201, which was approved by the 2008 General Conference, charges the General Board of Church & Society with primary responsibility for advocating health care for all in the United States Congress and for communicating this policy to United Methodists in the USA. The resolution can be downloaded from the General Board of Church & Society website by clicking on the following: "Health Care for All in the United States."

Reprinted in part from "Faith In Action" 3/23/10

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wesleyan Study Group

Wesleyan Study Group will meet on April 13th at 7 pm in the downstairs lounge. New Study Book is Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality by NPR correspondent, Barbara Bradley Hagerty. This author takes on many of the questions we struggle with as we search for evidence of God both within us and the universe.

Questions about WSG may be directed to Carolyn Gimbrone (860-643-9310).


As members of the Congressional Black Caucus returned to the Capitol before voting on health Care reform, several members of the delegation were the recipients of insults, and racial slurs. Representative Emmanuel (note the name) Cleaver was also spat upon. Although the protester was arrested by Capitol police, Reverend Cleaver, following the example of Jesus, demonstrating his deep faith and love for humanity, refused to press charges.

Jim Winkler, General Secretary of the church‘s Board of Church and Society issued the following statement:
Meaningful and civil discourse has been an overarching priority for the United Methodist General Board of Church & Society as we assist local churches and represent United Methodist positions to elected officials. As Congress has debated and deliberated health-insurance reform legislation, I have been deeply disturbed by the lack of basic decency and common courtesy among people who have dis-agreements about public policy.

This past weekend‘s appalling display by protesters in Washington, D.C., demonstrates the overtly racist message of too many of the so-called 'Tea Party' members. Such behavior must be denounced by all people.

"Let us not delude ourselves into believing this is an isolated incident," Cleaver said after the incident. "A calculated campaign fomenting hate led up to this incident. In the strongest terms possible I denounce efforts to incite people to acts of racism." Cleaver said Abraham Lincoln‘s second inaugural address expressed our fervent prayer:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up our nation’s wounds, to care for [those] who shall have borne the battle and for [the] widow and [the] orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

I call upon United Methodists to model civil discourse as we seek to ensure that all Americans benefit from just laws. There is no room for such uncivil behavior no matter what the discussion, be it healthcare or comprehensive immigration reform or changing inequities in criminal justice laws. Paul's letter to the Church at Corinth contains important words for us during this Lenten time:
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We entreat you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God

(2 Corinthians 5:18-21).

Friday, April 9, 2010

Music Filled Sunday Services

Favorite Hymns at 9:00 am

Praise Song Service at 10:30 am

Join Us!

Letter From the Pastor's Desk


As United Methodists we are a connectional church. We’re all connected! Each church in the cluster, district, annual conference, jurisdiction and general conference are all connected. If we take this thought further, we are connected through our belief in Jesus Christ to all Christians. We are in communion, in community, with all Christians through our common belief. We are, in fact, unified in our beliefs in Jesus Christ. While we may not be uniform in our practices, we are unified in our faith.

There are a multitude of advantages to being connected. There are simple examples like when I run out of Special Sunday envelopes and I can call one of my nearby colleagues in East Hartford or in Rockville and receive their overflow of envelopes; and there are connections on a larger scale, as with denominational organizations like UMCOR, which we support regularly and through which we respond to emergencies around the corner or around the world. There are organizations like United Methodist Women, which meet every quadrennial – over 10,000 from all over the world, and there is the World Methodist Conference which meets every five years drawing together Methodists from around the world to discuss issues in common.
Of course there is our General Conference which meet every quadrennial to enact church law, and the Jurisdictional Conferences that elect and consecrate bishops. As a result of our connection, we support each other – we both give and receive support as with Equitable Compensation, Campus Ministries and Vital Ministries.

When I think of the United Methodist Church, how it is organized and how it is meant to function, I think that we have evolved into a potentially efficient organization. And organization, institution or efficiency do not have to be 'bad' words. My prayer is that we will continue working towards the twin goals of efficiency – using our resources wisely, and effectiveness in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

That‘s where we come in as individuals. As we utilize the structure as is and work to improve the connection, we join our efforts with the efforts of millions of others to become a powerful force for the transformation of a world where there is peace and happiness, love and justice.

As a connected body, we join together to accomplish the goal that Jesus himself gave – to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, all people. So as we join together and work together and pray together and stay connected, we can accomplish even greater things for Christ, because we are connected.

Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Laurel


At our first committee meeting this year, I made a commitment to the committee and our congregation to provide regular communication concerning the SPRC. I hope you will find this article helpful.

“The Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests come together to focus on the mission of the church.” This statement is from a pamphlet Pastor Laurel gave me, which was prepared by the UMC to provide direction for the ministry of this committee. The specific tasks of the SPRC as listed in the Book of Discipline are summarized in the pamphlet:

  • Educating and reminding both the staff and the congregation to focus on working together toward the mission of the church by promoting unity and encouraging, strengthening, nurturing, supporting, and respecting the pastor, staff, and their families.
  • Leading conversation between the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, including recommendations about staff positions to carry out the work of the church.
  • Developing and recommending written policy and procedures on employment of non-appointed staff.
  • Assessing job performance of the staff/pastor at least annually for the purpose of realigning staff position descriptions with the mission of the church.
  • Conferring and consulting with the district superintendent.
  • Supporting lifelong learning and spiritual renewal for all staff (continuing education).
  • Identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.
The SPRC has an important role in supporting the morale of our pastor and staff by providing positive, helpful feedback. Our pastor and staff need friendly and supportive advisers to suggest how best to handle some of the joys, concerns, and issues of our congregation. This function of counsel for our staff contributes greatly to the realization of our church‘s shared vision and mission. Specific staff liaisons have been appointed. If you have any concerns, suggestions, or compliments for our staff, please do not hesitate to talk to the appropriate liaison. We depend on members of the congregation to provide feedback to us. I encourage everyone to share their thoughts with us. I want to assure you the SPRC operates under a covenant of confidentiality.

Staff Member - Liaison
Pastor Laurel Scott - Carolyn Gimbrone
Irene Fitzgerald - Charley Cappello
Chris Collins - Becky Harris
Heidi Lenhardt - Joan Byron
Ron & Judy Starkweather - Bob Pelletier

I would also like to note that I will also be serving as a liaison for Charlene Sullivan and Tim McLaughlin as they continue to serve our youth in a voluntary capacity.

I am looking forward to serving our staff and congregation as the Chair of the SPRC. Please know that I am always available if you have any questions or feedback.

Carolyn Gimbrone, Staff-Parish relations Chairperson

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mitchell A. Hadge

Mitchell A. Hadge, 88, died Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 8th at 10:00 am at North United Methodist Church, 300 Parker St., Manchester. Burial will be in the East Cemetery.

Calling hours will be held Wednesday 2:30-5:00 pm and 6:30-8:30 pm at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St., Manchester.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Vernon Manor Recreation Fund, Vernon Manor, 180 Regan Road, Vernon, CT 06066 or North United Methodist Church Memorial Fund, 300 Parker St., Manchester, CT. 06042 To sign the online register book go to

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Special Worship Services

Tonight at 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday service with the option of Foot Washing available

Tomorrow night at 7:00 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service with Chancel Choir

Sunday at 10:00 am Easter Worship Service