“The Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests come together to focus on the mission of the church.” This statement is from a pamphlet Pastor Laurel gave me, which was prepared by the UMC to provide direction for the ministry of this committee. The specific tasks of the SPRC as listed in the Book of Discipline are summarized in the pamphlet:
- Educating and reminding both the staff and the congregation to focus on working together toward the mission of the church by promoting unity and encouraging, strengthening, nurturing, supporting, and respecting the pastor, staff, and their families.
- Leading conversation between the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, including recommendations about staff positions to carry out the work of the church.
- Developing and recommending written policy and procedures on employment of non-appointed staff.
- Assessing job performance of the staff/pastor at least annually for the purpose of realigning staff position descriptions with the mission of the church.
- Conferring and consulting with the district superintendent.
- Supporting lifelong learning and spiritual renewal for all staff (continuing education).
- Identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.
Staff Member - Liaison
Pastor Laurel Scott - Carolyn Gimbrone
Irene Fitzgerald - Charley Cappello
Chris Collins - Becky Harris
Heidi Lenhardt - Joan Byron
Ron & Judy Starkweather - Bob Pelletier
I would also like to note that I will also be serving as a liaison for Charlene Sullivan and Tim McLaughlin as they continue to serve our youth in a voluntary capacity.Pastor Laurel Scott - Carolyn Gimbrone
Irene Fitzgerald - Charley Cappello
Chris Collins - Becky Harris
Heidi Lenhardt - Joan Byron
Ron & Judy Starkweather - Bob Pelletier
I am looking forward to serving our staff and congregation as the Chair of the SPRC. Please know that I am always available if you have any questions or feedback.
Carolyn Gimbrone, Staff-Parish relations Chairperson
(860-643-9310; Bowbrone@aol.com)