The Adult Bible Class spent the greater part of the 2009/2010 year studying Genesis. During the last month the class we looked at the letters of James and Peter. The class met every Sunday night at 6:30. Much time was put into discussion of what the bible meant then and how it affects us now. The average attendance was eight people.
This study covered the creation and God's relationship with man before and after the fall. It continues with God's establishment of the people of God through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We finished with the story of Joseph. This was a good story of faith and how it works in ones life to affect those around you.
The letters of James and Peter dealt with the problems of the early church. It shows how Christians have always had to fight the weakening of our faith. Then and now we have had to deal with Gnosticism and antichristian teachings. Both James and Peter spent much time in their letters defining what being a Christian means and what we must guard against.
The class felt studying the letters was time well spent and will continue with the letters of Peter this fall. After this we will take a look at the gospel of Mark.
New members always welcome!
Respectfully,John B. Chadwick (860-643-0943)