Christmas Eve:
Saturday December 24th 5:00 pm — Family Service with Children and Youth Participation
Saturday December 24th 11:00 pm — Candlelight Service
Christmas Day:
Sunday December 25th 10:00 am — There IS service on Christmas Day this year. An extra special opportunity to give thanks and celebrate the birth of Jesus with your church family. If you know people who are looking for a place to worship Christmas Day, whether their usual church is not having a service or any other reason they are looking for the reason for the season make sure to let them know we will be worshiping on this special day.
Friday, December 23, 2011
UMCatalyst News Notes 12/21/2011
UMCatalyst News Notes
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
120+ dozen cookies were sold yesterday - completely sold out!
$533 was raised for the choir library!
Praise God, and cookie lovers!
$533 was raised for the choir library!
Praise God, and cookie lovers!
Friday, December 16, 2011
UMCatalyst News Notes 12/14/2011
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Monday, December 12, 2011
Family Fellowship Christmas Party and MACC Food Pantry
At the Family Fellowship Christmas Party this Saturday night we will be collecting canned goods for MACC under the Christmas tree. Come and have fun and bring a little something to help those in need.
MACC especially needs:
MACC especially needs:
meat soups, beef stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal, corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans, baking mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4 & 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans, canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach, clam chowder, peanut butter, canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed potatoes, dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise, gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles, sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black, white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams, snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Family Fellowship Christmas Party
Saturday, Dec. 17 at 6:30 pm
All are invited to join in a fun evening of making decorations, singing songs, and a variety of additional activities. Mark your calendars and plan to join us with your family, friends, and neighbors!
Join in on Facebook.
All are invited to join in a fun evening of making decorations, singing songs, and a variety of additional activities. Mark your calendars and plan to join us with your family, friends, and neighbors!
Join in on Facebook.
UMCatalyst News Notes 12/7/2011
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
UMCatalyst News Notes
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Christmas Cantata and Cookie Platters
Sunday, December 18th
The NUMC Choirs will present the Christmas Cantata
I Hear the Prophet Callin’
The Christmas Story from Prophecy to Fulfillment
by Pepper ChoplinOur Choir Director, Chris Collins, is rehearsing with the choirs and has some guest instrumentalists and singers joining the presentation. Worship with us as we witness with some wonderful special music and more. Be sure to stay after the service for...
Christmas Cookie Platters
Platters of Homemade Christmas cookies for sale following worship. Our enthusiastic bakers have come up with an exciting variety of cookies:
Available in two sizes:
Pecan Bars, Chocolate Chip, Russian Tea Cakes, Snickerdoodles, M&M Cookies, Peanut Butter Kiss, Pizzelles, Pinwheels, Almond Spice, Neapolitan (Italian cookie - a layered light and dark dough with candied cherries and nuts), Sugar Cookies, Oatmeal shortbread, Pistachio Biscotti, Chocolate, Thumbprint with Raspberry, Pomanders, Rugelach, Butter Cookies, Date Cookies w/ candied cherries/pineapple, Oatmeal Raisin, Lumberjacks, Chocolate Chip, Apple Jack, Ginger Crisps, Austrian Kipfel (nut crescents), Thumbprint w/ choc chips and nuts, maybe more!
Available in two sizes:
Personal size — 1 dozen/$5.00Proceeds will be designated to the Church Music Ministry. Thank you in advance for your support.
Family Size — 3 dozen/$12.00
Christmas Card Mailbox
The Church Christmas Card Mailbox will be available at the back of the sanctuary for exchanging cards within the congregation beginning Sunday, December 10th through Sunday, January 8th. The mailbox is alphabetically organized by last name. Please remember to check for cards each Sunday. Thank you!
MACC’s Church Mouse Thrift Shoppe
MACC has combined the Best of Both Worlds: Inspirations with The Church Mouse Thrift Shoppe.
The Thrift Shoppe is now located at our Inspirations location, 65 East Center Street, Manchester. This move is planned for the winter while our 456 ½ building is being renovated. All Thrift Shoppe donations may be left in the bins on the porch at 456 ½ Main Street.
If you need more information or have questions, please leave a message at 860-647-0800. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Thank you.
The Thrift Shoppe is now located at our Inspirations location, 65 East Center Street, Manchester. This move is planned for the winter while our 456 ½ building is being renovated. All Thrift Shoppe donations may be left in the bins on the porch at 456 ½ Main Street.
Hours of Operation for the Church Mouse Thrift Shoppe and Inspirations:
Wednesday – Friday: 10:00-4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00-2:00pm
If you need more information or have questions, please leave a message at 860-647-0800. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
December Tidings Newsletter
The December issue of Tidings, the monthly newsletter of North United Methodist Church is available online on our website. Take a look, there is a lot going on at NUMC.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Family Movie Night
Family Movie Night
Saturday, November 26 at 6:30 pm
Come See:
The Adventures Of Milo and Otis
A free fellowship evening! Bring family and friends. Popcorn and drinks provided!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
UMCatalyst News Notes 11/22/11
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
Friday, November 11, 2011
Letter from the Council of Bishops
Here is a letter from the Council of Bishops:
and an article written about it:¬oc=1
and an article written about it:¬oc=1
UMCatalyst News Notes
Follow this link to read the latest in e-news for clergy and laity in the New England Conference:
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Interfaith Justice Issues Assembly
Democracy is NOT a Spectator Sport! Interfaith Justice Issues Assembly Tuesday, Nov. 29 in Middletown
Faith communities across Connecticut interested in cooperating more effectively on social and economic justice issues impacting our people, will gather Tue. evening, Nov. 29, from 7-9 p.m. at St. Pius X Parish Hall, 310 Westfield St. in Middletown.
Churches, synagogues, mosques and other faith groups are invited to send teams.
Interested individuals are also welcome, including small business owners, health care professionals, students, those currently unemployed or underemployed, recent immigrants, etc.
The program will include a brief panel presentation by: Dr. Steve Smith from the National Physicians’ Alliance; Lorella Praeli from CT Students for the Dream; and Peter Thor from AFSCME Council 4. Discussion/Strategy breakouts will follow focusing on health care reform, immigration reform, jobs/economic supports and other issues that may be raised. The goal is the shaping of an action plan for 2012.
Admission is free but reservations are encouraged due to limited seating. To RSVP, for rides or further info, please contact United Action Connecticut (UACT) at 860-882-3849, or email
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Auction Rescheduled
Due to the weather reports, the Auction has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 19.
Same venue - Manchester Country Club.
Same time - 6:30 pm.
Same Awesome Food, Fellowship, and
Goods and Services to bid on.
Be warm and safe this evening!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
It’s That Time Again!
Date: Saturday, October 29th, 2011With YOUR help, this year can be as successful as last year’s auction. Please
Location: Manchester Country Club
Time: Doors open at 6:00 pm
Tickets: $25 per person / Seniors $15 - available on Sunday mornings or by calling Anita
delve into your homes and hearts to find desired items for the auction.
Also, if you frequent any local businesses, they would probably be willing to
make a donation. Please consider asking for something for our event.
If you have any thing or service you would like to donate, or are willing to assist
with the event, please contact: Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991.
“Many Hands Make for Light Work!”
Saturday, October 1, 2011
October Tidings
The October issue of Tidings, the monthly newsletter of North United Methodist Church, is now available to be read online. There is a lot going on so be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Huge Indoor Tag Sale this Saturday
Spread the word, we have a huge indoor tag sale at North United Methodist Church this coming Saturday October 1st from 8 am to 12 pm. Rain or shine you will find something for everyone.
Friday, September 16, 2011
World Communion Sunday
WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY is OCTOBER 2nd with A Luncheon Celebration
All are welcome to share in a luncheon directly following the service.
The congregation is invited to please bring a dish to share which is representative of each individual’s heritage.
Come, Worship, Celebrate, and Feast!
All are welcome to share in a luncheon directly following the service.
The congregation is invited to please bring a dish to share which is representative of each individual’s heritage.
Come, Worship, Celebrate, and Feast!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
September Tidings Available
Read about the exciting happenings at North United Methodist Church in our monthly newsletter. The September issue of Tidings is now available on our website. Read up and join in!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Choir and praise band rehearsals start up again tonight
Reminder that rehearsals start again tonight for PrISM at 6pm and chancel choir at 7pm. We welcome and encourage anyone with a love of music to give it a try, we can always use more singers, drummers, guitarists, bassists, keyboardists, flautists, cellists, violists, ocarinists, harpists, etc... Come sings and play!
Pulled Pork Success
The Pulled Pork Dinner on Saturday, August 27 was a great success!
Approximately 70 people attended and enjoyed a hearty dinner and wonderful fellowship.
A big thank you to the coordinators and cooks, Anita Haynes and Barbara Judd — as well as their many helpers. Everything was finger lickin’ good!
Keep a look out for the NEXT Fellowship and Food Event!
Approximately 70 people attended and enjoyed a hearty dinner and wonderful fellowship.
A big thank you to the coordinators and cooks, Anita Haynes and Barbara Judd — as well as their many helpers. Everything was finger lickin’ good!
Keep a look out for the NEXT Fellowship and Food Event!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tomorrow and Tonight
Sunday, August 28 Worship Service is canceled. Please make phone calls to members and friends who do not have email or do not check it regularly.
The Barbecue Dinner is still happening from 5 - 7 pm. We hope you can join in the fellowship of your church family - especially since we will not gather on Sunday morning.
The Barbecue Dinner is still happening from 5 - 7 pm. We hope you can join in the fellowship of your church family - especially since we will not gather on Sunday morning.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Just two days left until the Pulled Pork BBQ
Pulled Pork Barbeque SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 * 5 pm — 7 pm
Please plan to join your church family for fellowship and: Pulled Pork sandwiches, Coleslaw, Baked Beans
There will be vegetarian options available as well.
Cost: free will offering
Be sure to invite family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to:
Anita Haynes 860-712-9991 or Barbara Judd 860-643-1758
Please plan to join your church family for fellowship and: Pulled Pork sandwiches, Coleslaw, Baked Beans
There will be vegetarian options available as well.
Cost: free will offering
Be sure to invite family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to:
Anita Haynes 860-712-9991 or Barbara Judd 860-643-1758
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Outdoors This Sunday, July 31st
Sunday, July 31, Worship Service (9:30 am) will be held outdoors on the lower side of the church building on the flat grassy area under the shade trees. The service will include a baptism at the brook and a barbecue of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers after the service.
Friday, July 8, 2011
A Message from Kow
I'd say it was my most humbling moment ever, joining
37 other civilian natives of Japan, South Korea,
China, and Philippines in taking the naturalization
oath. I walked into the courtroom full of strangers,
but after the hour long ceremony we were like one
big family. We sang "God bless America", waving
our miniature flags. The judge spoke at length
about history of the flag since June 14, he said, was
going to be flag day, and he exhorted us on our civic
duty. Then handed the microphone to each of us to
say how we felt as new citizens. I didn’t know her
name or where she was from but one lady asked to
take a photo with me. We exchanged email addresses
so I can get some photos which her family took. My
favorite moment was when I volunteered to lead in the
singing of the national anthem. I hope someone
caught that on camera. I didn’t know the Judge's
name either but we took some photos together too. My
greetings to all and again I thank you for your support.
Warmest Wishes.
-->Read more about Kow and a great many other things in the current edition of Tidings
37 other civilian natives of Japan, South Korea,
China, and Philippines in taking the naturalization
oath. I walked into the courtroom full of strangers,
but after the hour long ceremony we were like one
big family. We sang "God bless America", waving
our miniature flags. The judge spoke at length
about history of the flag since June 14, he said, was
going to be flag day, and he exhorted us on our civic
duty. Then handed the microphone to each of us to
say how we felt as new citizens. I didn’t know her
name or where she was from but one lady asked to
take a photo with me. We exchanged email addresses
so I can get some photos which her family took. My
favorite moment was when I volunteered to lead in the
singing of the national anthem. I hope someone
caught that on camera. I didn’t know the Judge's
name either but we took some photos together too. My
greetings to all and again I thank you for your support.
Warmest Wishes.
-->Read more about Kow and a great many other things in the current edition of Tidings
Thursday, July 7, 2011
We want to hear your music
Chris Collins, our Music Director, is making an invitation to all members of North Church to share their musical talent.
Throughout the summer, instrumentalists and vocalists are invited to provide special music for services.
All ages and levels are welcome to share their gift.
Please speak with Chris if you have questions and sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Also, check out our revamped music page on the website and also hear about our Music Director and other Ministry Moments on the website as well.
Throughout the summer, instrumentalists and vocalists are invited to provide special music for services.
All ages and levels are welcome to share their gift.
Please speak with Chris if you have questions and sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Also, check out our revamped music page on the website and also hear about our Music Director and other Ministry Moments on the website as well.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mark Your Calendars Now
SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 * 5 pm—7 pm
Pulled Pork Barbeque
Mark your Calendars and please plan to join your church family for fellowship and: Pulled Pork sandwiches, Coleslaw, Baked Beans
Cost: free will offering
A sign-up will be available in the memorial room during the month of july. Be sure to invite family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to:
Anita Haynes 860-712-9991 or Barbara Judd 860-643-1758
Pulled Pork Barbeque
Mark your Calendars and please plan to join your church family for fellowship and: Pulled Pork sandwiches, Coleslaw, Baked Beans
Cost: free will offering
A sign-up will be available in the memorial room during the month of july. Be sure to invite family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to:
Anita Haynes 860-712-9991 or Barbara Judd 860-643-1758
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Prepare for the Fall Tag Sale
It's time to clean out those unwanted, but usable, items and get ready for the Fall Tag Sale. Your tag sale donations can be stored in either of the basement rooms across the hall from the Sunday School office. A tag sale sign is on the door.
The dollars collected at the sale will again go into the general fund to help the expected shortfall in the budget.
We DO NOT accept clothing, large pieces of furniture, or large television sets. Help out the church as you help clear up the clutter in your own storage spaces.
The dollars collected at the sale will again go into the general fund to help the expected shortfall in the budget.
We DO NOT accept clothing, large pieces of furniture, or large television sets. Help out the church as you help clear up the clutter in your own storage spaces.
Saturday, October 1, 2011 from 8 am to 12 noon
Saturday, October 1, 2011 from 8 am to 12 noon
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Summer Book Club
North's Summer Book Club will be meeting again this summer.
Our first discussion book is: Little Bee by Chris Cleave. We will meet on July 31st right after coffee fellowship. Bring a bag lunch and join our discussion, facilitated by Jackie Abbott.
Little Bee is a dual narrative story about a Nigerian asylum-seeker and a British magazine editor, who meet on a beach in Nigeria in a shocking encounter, and are reunited in England two years later. Cleave, inspired as a university student by his temporary employment in an asylum detention center, wrote the book in an attempt to humanize the plight of asylum-seekers in Britain. The novel examines the treatment of refugees by the asylum system, as well as issues of British colonialism, globalization, political violence and personal accountability. You will be amazed and challenged by the choices Little Bee and Sarah have to make.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Family Movie Night Saturday, July 16th
Saturday, July 16 at 6:30 pm
Saturday, July 16 at 6:30 pm
The original, "Yours, Mine and Ours"
with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball.
You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger family film than this chaotic comedy. Based on a true story of a blended family of 18 children, this movie keeps the laughs coming. She has eight kids and he has ten and when they tie the knot, anarchy reigns as the opposing camps of step-siblings do all they can to sabotage each other. Through it all, resentment gives way to respect and something bigger than anyone could imagine.with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball.
An evening of family fellowship. Bring friends and family!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The MACC Food Pantry
We especially need: meat soups, beef
stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal,
corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans,
baking mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4
& 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans,
canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta
mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach,
clam chowder, peanut butter, canned
pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs,
etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed potatoes,
dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise,
gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles,
sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black,
white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams,
snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.
Thanks to all who have been
faithfully donating!
stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal,
corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans,
baking mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4
& 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans,
canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta
mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach,
clam chowder, peanut butter, canned
pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs,
etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed potatoes,
dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise,
gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles,
sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black,
white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams,
snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.
Thanks to all who have been
faithfully donating!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
June Tidings
The June 2011 edition of our monthly newsletter Tidings is now posted online on our website. Please check it out as there is much in it for you to find interesting, informational and inspirational.
Monday, May 30, 2011
New Sermons Online
Three recent sermons are up on our website now for you to revisit or to catch up if you couldn't make it on a recent Sunday.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
WORSHIP Focus Group Meetings
Members and friends of North Church were invited to participate in discussion groups concerning worship services over the past few months. We have done our best to include everyone, however, if we have inadvertently missed including you in a discussion group, please call the church office (860-649-3696) or inform us through an email to: to make us aware. Notes from discussion groups are being reviewed by the Worship Team and recommendations based on those notes will be forth coming.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share your thoughts and ideas.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share your thoughts and ideas.
Memorial Service for Rev. Kyle McGaw
A Memorial Service for Rev. Kyle McGaw will be held at North United Methodist Church at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, May 31, 2011.
There will be a reception at the church following the service. The family invites members of North Church to please provide desserts for the gathering.
The family requests Memorial Donations be made in Kyle's memory to any of the following organizations:
Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity
PO Box 1933
Hartford, CT 06144
North United Methodist Church
300 Parker Street
Manchester, CT 06042
MACC Charities
P.O. Box 3804
Manchester, CT 06045-3804
Donation Forms and Memorial Cards will be available at the Memorial Service.
There will be a reception at the church following the service. The family invites members of North Church to please provide desserts for the gathering.
The family requests Memorial Donations be made in Kyle's memory to any of the following organizations:
Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity
PO Box 1933
Hartford, CT 06144
North United Methodist Church
300 Parker Street
Manchester, CT 06042
MACC Charities
P.O. Box 3804
Manchester, CT 06045-3804
Donation Forms and Memorial Cards will be available at the Memorial Service.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Cleanup and a Movie
This is a reminder that tomorrow, May 14th from 9 am to 12 pm there is an All Church Clean-Up Work Day Sponsored by the Trustees. Help a little or a lot, every bit helps and all are welcome.
Come back at 6:30 pm to enjoy fellowship with a FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT as we view the movie Up.
Come join in this fun family fellowship evening. NO cost—bring family and friends. Snacks and drinks provided. A heart warming experience awaits all.
Come back at 6:30 pm to enjoy fellowship with a FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT as we view the movie Up.
Up is described as a "comedic adventure" starring a 78-year man named Carl Fredricksen, who's "spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest". Due to his age, he thinks life has "passed him by". One day, however, a "twist of fate", and an 8-year old "Wilderness Explorer" named Russell, changes his outlook on life. The pair go on adventures, encountering "wild terrain", "unexpected villains" and "jungle creatures".
Come join in this fun family fellowship evening. NO cost—bring family and friends. Snacks and drinks provided. A heart warming experience awaits all.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Family Movie Night This Saturday
Come join in this fun family fellowship evening. NO cost—bring family and friends. Snacks and drinks provided. A heart warming experience awaits all.
Up is described as a "comedic adventure" starring a 78-year man named Carl Fredricksen, who's "spent his entire life dreaming of ex-ploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest". Due to his age, he thinks life has "passed him by". One day, however, a "twist of fate", and an 8-year old "Wilderness Explorer" named Russell, changes his outlook on life. The pair go on adventures, encountering "wild terrain", "unexpected villains" and "jungle creatures".
Come join in this fun family fellowship evening. NO cost—bring family and friends. Snacks and drinks provided. A heart warming experience awaits all.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Watch “A Killer in the Dark” Documentary on NBC
On Sunday, May 1, Imagine No Malaria presents “A Killer in the Dark,” a documentary produced by United Methodist Communications, about the fight against malaria and how we are fighting back. This special television event, hosted by Pauley Perrette (of TV’s NCIS) will air on NBC affiliates (check your local listings).
It chronicles community-based efforts on both sides of the ocean – nationally and globally – as everyday people strive to reduce the deadly results of the disease. As one mother tucks her children into bed in Middle America, a mother in Africa does the same. In the morning, their children will wake with two very different missions directed toward the same critical goal: ending deaths caused by malaria.
Malaria kills more than one million people each year. Every 45 seconds a child in Africa dies of this preventable and treatable disease. Yet, malaria can be eliminated with the right tools: prevention, treatment, education and communication
To make sure “Killer in the Dark” is part of your NBC station’s May 1 lineup, please call or email your local NBC affiliate and ask them to share this important message with your community. Here is an NBC affiliate directory to help.
It chronicles community-based efforts on both sides of the ocean – nationally and globally – as everyday people strive to reduce the deadly results of the disease. As one mother tucks her children into bed in Middle America, a mother in Africa does the same. In the morning, their children will wake with two very different missions directed toward the same critical goal: ending deaths caused by malaria.
Malaria kills more than one million people each year. Every 45 seconds a child in Africa dies of this preventable and treatable disease. Yet, malaria can be eliminated with the right tools: prevention, treatment, education and communication
To make sure “Killer in the Dark” is part of your NBC station’s May 1 lineup, please call or email your local NBC affiliate and ask them to share this important message with your community. Here is an NBC affiliate directory to help.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Please make aware anyone else at North who may not see this.
Everyone is welcome.
We have our assignment.
Please bring: water bottles, rakes, yard gloves, trowels, hand held pruning shears.
An announcement will be available on the Recreation Department’s cancellation line 860-647-3162 at 7AM
Rain date is Sunday May 1st
Click on this link to get a map of the area.
It’s located not too far from the church:
Please make aware anyone else at North who may not see this.
Everyone is welcome.
We have our assignment.
Please bring: water bottles, rakes, yard gloves, trowels, hand held pruning shears.
An announcement will be available on the Recreation Department’s cancellation line 860-647-3162 at 7AM
Rain date is Sunday May 1st
Click on this link to get a map of the area.
It’s located not too far from the church:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
One 10:30 Easter service tomorrow morning
Christ reached out to us in love so we could reach out to Him and live.Come celebrate Easter with us at a single service tomorrow morning at 10:30, Sunday, April 24, 2011.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Ready For Easter?
The message from the Good Friday service is now online. Listen for the words of Jesus on the cross as we prepare and wait. Remember also the Prayer Vigil Saturday April 23 at NUMC from 5 pm to 8 pm. Be ready for that which is surely coming.
Good Friday Reminder
Continue to prepare for the Easter that we yearn to celebrate by joining us at the Good Friday service this evening at 7:00 pm.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
New Sermons Online
Friday, April 8, 2011
Being Good Stewards of God’s Creation
Thank you for supporting this “green” ministry!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The MACC Food Pantry
Three days hence, Sunday April 10th, please join the Outreach Committee and help stock the MACC Food Pantry shelves.
We will meet at the Food Pantry at 460 Main Street at 1:30 pm.
(The Committee will be transporting the 100+ bags!)
Come and see what happens to your generous food donations! Jacki Campion, MACC Director of Volunteers, will give us a short talk at 1:45 and then we will get to work. There is plenty of parking in the Lincoln Center parking lot. Children are encouraged to take part in this "giving" effort. There is a sign-up sheet in the Memorial Room.
The pantry is especially in need of meat products (beef stew, chili, canned pasta, hash, canned meat, meat soups), jelly, condiments, and baked beans. Coffee, hot chocolate, sugar, and paper products also are running short. Thanks to all for your donations!
Thanks to all who have been faithfully donating.
Remember: Marlene accepts monetary donations and is happy to do the shopping for the Food Pantry donations if you are unable.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pulpit Exchange
Beginning this month our pastor, Laurel Scott, will participate in a Pulpit Exchange (once a month) within the local United Methodist church cluster.
On Sunday, April 10, we welcome Rev. Linda Peabody from Bolton UMC to join us for the 10:30 service as Pastor Laurel preaches at Bolton UMC.
Along with North UMC, the cluster includes:
South UMC (Manchester), Rockville UMC, Bolton UMC,
Crystal Lake Community UMC (Ellington), Wesley (East Hartford),
New Covenant (East Hartford), Vernon UMC
This is a great opportunity to bear witness to the message through various preachers who will bring their individual interpretations of the Word.
On Sunday, April 10, we welcome Rev. Linda Peabody from Bolton UMC to join us for the 10:30 service as Pastor Laurel preaches at Bolton UMC.
Along with North UMC, the cluster includes:
South UMC (Manchester), Rockville UMC, Bolton UMC,
Crystal Lake Community UMC (Ellington), Wesley (East Hartford),
New Covenant (East Hartford), Vernon UMC
This is a great opportunity to bear witness to the message through various preachers who will bring their individual interpretations of the Word.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Support Japan 100 percent
One hundred percent of donations to this advance will help the people of Japan recover from this still unfolding disaster. Your generosity will support the rebuilding of communities, and may address the reconstruction of homes and places of worship, among other needs.
If you would like to donate to the emergency in Japan, you can go to,
click on “advance” and enter #3021317.
By Mail: Make your check payable to NUMC. Write the name of the ministry (Japan Emergency) and The Advance code number (3021317) on the check.
Send your check to: North United Methodist Church, 300 Parker St., Manchester, CT 06042
OR place your check in the collection plate at Sunday service.
By Phone: Credit card gifts can be accepted by phone. The number is: (888) 252-6174
Please keep the people of Japan in your prayers, particularly as they wait out efforts to control the risk from the damaged nuclear reactors.
More detailed leaflets are available in the Memorial Room at Church.
If you would like to donate to the emergency in Japan, you can go to,
click on “advance” and enter #3021317.
By Mail: Make your check payable to NUMC. Write the name of the ministry (Japan Emergency) and The Advance code number (3021317) on the check.
Send your check to: North United Methodist Church, 300 Parker St., Manchester, CT 06042
OR place your check in the collection plate at Sunday service.
By Phone: Credit card gifts can be accepted by phone. The number is: (888) 252-6174
Please keep the people of Japan in your prayers, particularly as they wait out efforts to control the risk from the damaged nuclear reactors.
More detailed leaflets are available in the Memorial Room at Church.
April Tidings
Check out the April edition of Tidings, our monthly newsletter. There is a lot going on that you will surely want to be a part of.
Ministry Minute
Starting March 27 in each service there will be a Ministry Minute in which Lay Ministers will describe current activity in their area of service:
- April 3 — Mission Outreach
- April 10 — Trustees
- April 17 — Sunday Bible Study
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Interdenominational Community Service for Japan
Sunday, March 27 at 2 pm North United Methodist Church will host an interdenominational service in support of Japan. The whole community is welcome as this a truly global tragedy affecting us all.
LENTEN HEALING SERVICE with District Superintendent,
Rev. Heidi Chamberland and the District Healing Team
Sunday, March 27, 4 pm at South UMC
Rev. Heidi Chamberland and the District Healing Team
Sunday, March 27, 4 pm at South UMC
Thursday, March 10, 2011
One Service at 10:30 am Sunday, March 13
Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward
Set Clocks ahead 1 hour
Saturday night - March 12
Set Clocks ahead 1 hour
Saturday night - March 12
Sunday, March 13 - One Service at 10:30 am
Congregational Meeting directly following the service.
Please plan to stay and share your views.
Congregational Meeting directly following the service.
Please plan to stay and share your views.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ash Wednesday Service at 7 pm
This Wednesday there will be an Ash Wednesday service at North United Methodist Church at 7 pm.
Chancel choir will meet half an hour later than usual at 7:30 pm for rehearsal.
Chancel choir will meet half an hour later than usual at 7:30 pm for rehearsal.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Food Drive for MACC
Can we collect 100 bags of groceries for MACC between now and April 10th ?

The Outreach/Mission Committee believes we can! Starting this past Sunday, we will be placing the donated bags of groceries on the altar and then storing them until the BIG DAY on Sunday April 10th .
We expect this will run from about 1:30 to 2:30 or 3:00. We hope you will be inspired during this Lenten season to think of your neighbors who may be struggling during the economic downturn. James 2:8 reminds us: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
More information will be forthcoming as to times and logistics.

We especially need: meat soups, beef stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal, corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans, bak-ing mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4 & 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans, canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach, clam chowder, peanut butter, canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed pota-toes, dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise, gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles, sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black, white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams, snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.Everyone is invited to join the committee on Sunday afternoon, April 10th to deliver the bags to the MACC Food Pantry. We will then sort the food, check the expiration dates, and stock the pantry shelves. Jacki Campion, Director of Volunteer Services, will be on hand to explain a little about how the pantry works. Several people have expressed an interest in seeing where their donated food goes and how the food pantry operates. This is also a wonderful opportunity to involve the children in giving to those in need.
We expect this will run from about 1:30 to 2:30 or 3:00. We hope you will be inspired during this Lenten season to think of your neighbors who may be struggling during the economic downturn. James 2:8 reminds us: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
More information will be forthcoming as to times and logistics.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
New Tidings and Today's Special Sermon
Newly on our website you will find the March edition of Tidings, our monthly newsletter, as well as many sermons including the very special one shared with us today.
Friday, February 25, 2011
North Stars Singing this Sunday
Hear the children of North United Methodist Church sing "Sing When the Spirit Says Sing" at the 10:30 service this Sunday.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Local Music this Sunday at 6pm
Come see one of NUMC's own, Caleb Cadman play with One Achord at a benefit concert at Ellington Wesleyan Church (Rt.140, 276 Crystal Lake Rd) Ellington CT at 6pm Sunday. Read more at the Facebook entry for this event.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What’s all the “murmur” about?
This February we are taking the “pulse” of our music ministry.
Do we have a healthy “rhythm” or do we need “resuscitation”?
Are we keeping “pace” with your musical needs?
Help us “monitor” our program by leaving suggestions in the box found in the new narthex.
Also, “no pressure” . . .
But if you like music, why not consider becoming a choir member?
You can’t “beat” it!
- Chris Collins
Do we have a healthy “rhythm” or do we need “resuscitation”?
Are we keeping “pace” with your musical needs?
Help us “monitor” our program by leaving suggestions in the box found in the new narthex.
Also, “no pressure” . . .
But if you like music, why not consider becoming a choir member?
You can’t “beat” it!
- Chris Collins
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Good Clean Fun
This Saturday is the first of a series of Good Clean Fun gatherings for children and youth ages 8 to 15. GCF evenings are open to the children and youth of North Church and their friends.
Cost is a mere $10 per child and will include adult supervision of the following: Games, Activities, DJ music and Refreshments.
Call your friends and come join an outrageously fun night!
Cost is a mere $10 per child and will include adult supervision of the following: Games, Activities, DJ music and Refreshments.
Call your friends and come join an outrageously fun night!
Saturday, February 12 from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Questions? Want to Volunteer to help or chaperone?
Call Anita at 860-712-9991
Questions? Want to Volunteer to help or chaperone?
Call Anita at 860-712-9991
During the next nine weeks, up to Palm Sunday, we will engage in a sermon series focusing on the Psalms. The Psalms come to us from our Judeo-Christian roots. Psalms were the hymn book of ancient Israel, were used during worship in the early church and continue to be used today throughout both the Jewish and Christian world.
As I opened the bible recently to look for a psalm to find words to fit my situation (sometimes I prefer to use other people’s words. They seem so appropriate!) I was struck by how many psalms were psalms of lament – grief over the situation in which the person praying finds herself, a complaint to God, a petition to God and thanksgiving that God is faithful to attend to the particular situation. There are other psalms as well -- Psalms of praise, psalms of thanksgiving, royal psalms, wisdom/torah psalms, entrance (to the temple) liturgies, prophetic exhortation, psalms of confidence and trust.
Scholars believe that many of the individual psalms of lament were prayers from individuals in distress who went to the temple to pray for God’s help. Sometimes the prayer is for relief from evil – sickness, war or conflict, and sometimes the prayers are admissions of the praying person’s own guilt, but always the psalms acknowledge our fundamental dependence on God for life and the future. The righteous are those who understand this and try to live it.
We will be following the psalm of the day in the lectionary calendar, begin-ning with Psalm 119 – the longest psalm in the bible – 176 verses, although we will only be reading the first eight verses in worship, UMH # 840. The fact of the matter is that this psalm is repetitive, but we find the essence of the teaching in the first eight verses – those who follow God’s law are blessed, or happy. So I have titled the first sermon HAPPY PEOPLE. I follow this theme throughout the series with a description of the kind of people the psalm focuses on, so for example one sermon will be titled Righteous People, another Humble People. The neat thing about following the lectionary is that themes run through all of the readings for the day, and so I am able to include references from the other readings, to tie the message all together neatly.
I hope you will find the series useful in enriching your personal prayer life and for your own personal spiritual growth. (Shalom. Shalvah) Peace, Safety and security to you, which are the results of praying the psalms.
As I opened the bible recently to look for a psalm to find words to fit my situation (sometimes I prefer to use other people’s words. They seem so appropriate!) I was struck by how many psalms were psalms of lament – grief over the situation in which the person praying finds herself, a complaint to God, a petition to God and thanksgiving that God is faithful to attend to the particular situation. There are other psalms as well -- Psalms of praise, psalms of thanksgiving, royal psalms, wisdom/torah psalms, entrance (to the temple) liturgies, prophetic exhortation, psalms of confidence and trust.
Scholars believe that many of the individual psalms of lament were prayers from individuals in distress who went to the temple to pray for God’s help. Sometimes the prayer is for relief from evil – sickness, war or conflict, and sometimes the prayers are admissions of the praying person’s own guilt, but always the psalms acknowledge our fundamental dependence on God for life and the future. The righteous are those who understand this and try to live it.
We will be following the psalm of the day in the lectionary calendar, begin-ning with Psalm 119 – the longest psalm in the bible – 176 verses, although we will only be reading the first eight verses in worship, UMH # 840. The fact of the matter is that this psalm is repetitive, but we find the essence of the teaching in the first eight verses – those who follow God’s law are blessed, or happy. So I have titled the first sermon HAPPY PEOPLE. I follow this theme throughout the series with a description of the kind of people the psalm focuses on, so for example one sermon will be titled Righteous People, another Humble People. The neat thing about following the lectionary is that themes run through all of the readings for the day, and so I am able to include references from the other readings, to tie the message all together neatly.
I hope you will find the series useful in enriching your personal prayer life and for your own personal spiritual growth. (Shalom. Shalvah) Peace, Safety and security to you, which are the results of praying the psalms.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
One Service Tomorrow
A late reminder that there is one service tomorrow at 10:30 followed by a potluck lunch, sure to be delicious.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
United Methodist Federal Credit Union Announces Scholarships
The Reverend Frank Witman - United Methodist Federal Credit Union Scholarship Fund. The scholarship program is open to students attending or planning to attend a college or university, community college, campus ministry or a technical college or trade school. Four $500 scholarships will be awarded.
Deadline is February 15, 2011.
Deadline is February 15, 2011.
Click Here for additional details and an application.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sound Of Music Sing-along January 22 at 6 pm
An Evening of Fun Fellowship for the whole family.
Come with family, friends, and neighbors to a join in some interactive musical fun as we watch and sing-along to the “Sound of Music”.
The movie will be presented on a large projection television
and lyrics are included at the bottom of the screen
for each song so we can sing-along!
FREE ADMITTANCE * Concessions available
(snow date: Friday, January 28 at 6 pm)
You are invited to dress-up as a favorite character!
Sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Let’s make this a BIG and FUN event!
Come with family, friends, and neighbors to a join in some interactive musical fun as we watch and sing-along to the “Sound of Music”.
The movie will be presented on a large projection television
and lyrics are included at the bottom of the screen
for each song so we can sing-along!
FREE ADMITTANCE * Concessions available
(snow date: Friday, January 28 at 6 pm)
You are invited to dress-up as a favorite character!
Sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Let’s make this a BIG and FUN event!
Good Clean Fun
Good Clean Fun
Planning has begun for a series of Friday evening gatherings for children and youth ages 8 – 15.
GCF evenings are open to the children and youth of North Church and their friends.
Cost is a mere $10 per child and will include adult supervision of the following:
DJ music
and refreshments.
Call your friends and come join an outrageously fun night!
Friday, February 4 ~ 7:00 pm—9:30 pm
Questions? Want to Volunteer to help or chaperone?
Call Anita at 860-712-9991
GCF evenings are open to the children and youth of North Church and their friends.
Cost is a mere $10 per child and will include adult supervision of the following:
DJ music
and refreshments.
Call your friends and come join an outrageously fun night!
Friday, February 4 ~ 7:00 pm—9:30 pm
Questions? Want to Volunteer to help or chaperone?
Call Anita at 860-712-9991
Souper Bowl Sunday February 6, 2011
The MYF of North Church will once again prepare food and snacks for sale on Sunday, February 6 with proceeds to go to the MACC Food Pantry.
Sub sandwiches will be made to order, and there will be a selection of additional foods and desserts for sale.
Please plan to support this annual fundraiser to help feed those in need in our community. As always, non-perishable donations are always accepted. THANK YOU!
Questions may be directed to Tim and Charlene.
Sub sandwiches will be made to order, and there will be a selection of additional foods and desserts for sale.
Please plan to support this annual fundraiser to help feed those in need in our community. As always, non-perishable donations are always accepted. THANK YOU!
Questions may be directed to Tim and Charlene.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
North Church Shelter Week is quickly approaching. Sign-up in the Memorial Room. For those who routinely volunteer, consider inviting someone who may be new to this ministry to join you.
Questions may be directed to Florence Wollaston at 860-649-9903. Thank You!
Questions may be directed to Florence Wollaston at 860-649-9903. Thank You!
How to contact the Pastor
Rev. Laurel Scott may be reached in the
following ways:
By email at
By phone at the church office: 860-649-3696.
Though there may be occasional changes due to unforeseen circumstances, the Pastor’s office hours for 2011 will be as follows:
*Please note: Routine hours for the NUMC church office remain 9 am – 12 noon, Monday – Friday.
following ways:
By email at
By phone at the church office: 860-649-3696.
- If Pastor Laurel is not in or unavailable when you call, please leave a message in her voicemail mailbox by pressing the number 2.
- In case of emergency, call 860-432-7996. You may also leave a message on the church voicemail mailbox. Pastor Laurel will check her messages several times daily.
Though there may be occasional changes due to unforeseen circumstances, the Pastor’s office hours for 2011 will be as follows:
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Afternoon Visitations
Wednesday and Thursday
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sunday Worship
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Afternoon Visitations
Wednesday and Thursday
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sunday Worship
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
*Please note: Routine hours for the NUMC church office remain 9 am – 12 noon, Monday – Friday.
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