Three days hence, Sunday April 10th, please join the Outreach Committee and help stock the MACC Food Pantry shelves.
We will meet at the Food Pantry at 460 Main Street at 1:30 pm.
(The Committee will be transporting the 100+ bags!)
Come and see what happens to your generous food donations! Jacki Campion, MACC Director of Volunteers, will give us a short talk at 1:45 and then we will get to work. There is plenty of parking in the Lincoln Center parking lot. Children are encouraged to take part in this "giving" effort. There is a sign-up sheet in the Memorial Room.
The pantry is especially in need of meat products (beef stew, chili, canned pasta, hash, canned meat, meat soups), jelly, condiments, and baked beans. Coffee, hot chocolate, sugar, and paper products also are running short. Thanks to all for your donations!
Thanks to all who have been faithfully donating.
Remember: Marlene accepts monetary donations and is happy to do the shopping for the Food Pantry donations if you are unable.