Friday, February 7, 2014

Awesome Souper Bowl

Charlene and I are once again very pleased to announce that this year's "Souper Bowl for MACC" was another tremendous success. Early results show an approximate cash donation of $950.00 will be going out to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) Charities.

We want to thank all those who helped make this all possible: Our Youth Group Members Wesley, Elizabeth, Sarah, Paige, Olivia, Jason, their friends, Julia and Jessica, along with their family members: Katherine, Barbie, Gene, Kayle, Vickie, Steve and Lisa as well as Former Youth Group members Jamie & Josh. Thanks to Caleb & Irene for publicity.

So grateful to all of the NUMC congregation who supported our efforts by their generous purchases of 37 pepperoni and mozzarella breads, 125 bowls of 8 different kinds of soups and chili along with 39 grinders and sandwiches to support this great cause.