Here are topics for the next three weeks (January 14th, 21st and 28th.)
- Introductory Session: Is there more to life than this?
- Session 2 Who is Jesus?
- Session3 Why did Jesus die?
People may come to any of the sessions but will find them so interesting that they will want to come to all eleven!
We begin at 6:00 with dinner; (Dinner is important because the learning community that is being formed is formed around the Jesus model of table fellowship) 6:30 lecture of the day; 7:00 small group discussions. 7:30 session ends.
Cost is $5:00 for manual and $3 per session for dinner.
There is one weekend away (Friday night through Saturday evening) where we discuss the work of the Holy Spirit. I am hoping that we can use a nearby seminary like Hartford, or a monastery or convent for this overnight session.