A New Heaven and A New Earth
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.” Rev. 21:1
Today, in this New Year, I begin life anew.
Today I am born to a fresh, new, bright, glorious day and year.
This new year has never been lived before and will never be lived again.
I enter into this new year with enthusiasm, knowing that the Presence of God uplifts and enlightens me.
I bring into this new year only intelligence, wisdom, peace, joy and understanding.
New courage, new strength, new life are mine to share.
I am adding to this new year new ideas, new methods, new thoughts and new attitudes.
Today I am rich in radiant health, infinite Abundance and Love.
The beauty, warmth, color, protection and comfort of God’s loving presence fills me with a deep sense of peace, joy, and security.
I pour into every moment of this new year the wonderful blessings that abound for me.
My cup runneth over. This is indeed my year of fulfillment.
Today I am living in a new heaven and earth.
Thank you father, for this new year. And so it is.
Adapted from “Your Needs Met” Jack & Cornelia Adding-ton © 1966 DeVorss & Co., Marina Del Ray, CA