Monday, March 29, 2010

Over 50's Fellowship April 7, 2010 at 12 pm

Over 50's will meet again in April. Bring a sandwich. Dessert and beverages will be provided. We will discuss poetry. Please bring a book of poetry with you.
Questions may be directed to Linda Gates at 860-647-9756.

Knitting Ministry

The Knitting Ministry will meet the 1st and 3rd Monday in April from 1pm to 2:30 pm in the Memorial Room. We have begun working on items for the Community Baby Shower which is in May. Donations of baby yarn or monetary donations to purchase baby yarn is greatly appreciated. We continue to work on Prayer Shawls and Lap blankets. If you would like to work at home and submit items, we happily accept all.

The Ministry welcomes new members. You don't have to know how to knit or crochet. Our patterns are easy and we are all patient teachers. We do have some crochet hooks and knitting needles available if you would like to give yarn work a try. Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, peaceful music, tea, and Linda's cookies.

For more information contact: Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609; Sue Derby 860-643-4589; Diana Custer 860-875-9805

Saturday, March 27, 2010

SPRING 2010 Leadership Academy Registration Deadline April 1st

Connecticut-Western Massachusetts District
Rev. Heidi Chamberland, District Superintendent

SPRING 2010 Leadership Academy
“Resurrecting our Spirit”
Saturday, April 10, 2010
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Rockville United Methodist Church
142 Grove Street, Rockville CT
Rev. Henrietta Aiello, Pastor
(church is handicap accessible)

Each participant may register for one morning and one afternoon workshop session. Click here for a registration form. Deadline is April 1st.

  • SEEDLINGS: How to Grow Spiritual Children - Ms. Meri Blanchard, Trinity UMC, Springfield MA
  • Sharing Your Faith - Ms. Candy Morgans, UMC of Enfield CT
  • Staff-Parish Relations Committee Training - Rev. Heidi Chamberland, District Superintendent
  • ???????? - Rev. Curtis Brown, NEUMC Dir. Of Congregational Dev.
  • ???????? - Ms. Lisa McColgan Dalton MA UMC
  • Worship, Learn and Grow…the new focus for church meetings - Ms. Beth Frechette, UMC of Enfield CT
  • Wesleyan Heritage ?????? - Mr. Kurt Pearson, First UMC, Greenfield MA
  • Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations - Mr. George Button, District Ministry Team Chair

Friday, March 26, 2010

On-Going SCRIP Gift Card Fundraising Update

Thank you for continuing to make your routine purchases on Sunday mornings through North Church. Great Work!!

We have hit the $2000 mark!

Keep those orders coming, and tell your friends and family about it too!!

On-line Ordering Now Available! - speak to Anita for details.

Cards may be ordered each Sunday between and after services or by contacting
Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991.

Cards are available for pick-up on the following Sunday morning.

Anita is also in need of Sunday morning volunteers to take orders and distribute previously ordered gift cards. Please speak to Anita with any questions.

April Issue of Tidings Online

The April issue of Tidings, the NUMC monthly newsletter, is now available.

In it you will find these articles and information:
  • Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
  • Health Care for All
  • SCRIPS — a wonderful Fund Raising Program.
  • YOUTH Group News
  • Adult Fellowship Potluck
  • Trustees Workday
  • Worship Assignments
  • Outreach Updates
  • Racism, still a Problem
  • Calendar
And much more…

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dance and Praise Music workshop being held at the Herkimer UMC, May 15th


SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2010

($5.00/person 10 years of age and older)




Please bring a bag lunch. Snacks will be provided throughout the day.
To register or for more information regarding this event, please contact Linda Underwood at 315-427-2001 or
via e-mail at

Faith in Action

News and Views from the United Methodist Board of Church and Society — March 23, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Christian Beliefs: The Apostle's Creed — Full Sermon Series Online

I believe in I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.(January 24, 2010)

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
born of the virgin Mary,(February 7, 2010)
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;(February 14, 2010)
he descended to hell.
On the third day he rose again,(February 21, 2010)
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father.
abd will come again to judge the living and the dead.(February 28, 2010)

I believe in the Holy Spirit,(March 7, 2010)
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,(March 14, 2010)
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.(March 21, 2010)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The holy catholic church, the communion of saints

The March 14th sermon is now available online for your listening.


Easter Flower Ordering Deadline is March 21st

Order Forms are enclosed in Tidings and are available in the Memorial Room at Church. Choose from Lilies, Daffodils, and Tulips.

The plants will decorate the chancel for Easter morning.

If you have any questions, please call Doris at 860-649-6494.

Food Collection Thank You

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to our Community Pantry and soup kitchen’s needs this past year. We experienced a 48% increase in need in the pantry from the year before and an 18% increase in children eating in the soup kitchen in 2009.

You filled our pantry, cellar, store house and soup kitchen storage many times over. Your generosity fed over 2,000 people each month for over a year and no one was turned away.
Our shelves still reflect your compassion but there are a few things we cannot keep in stock. So many of you call us to see what the need is so we decided to send this shopping list along with our thank you.
  • Canned meats (spam, ham, chicken and beef stew)
  • Jelly
  • Pancake mix & syrup
  • Sugar
  • Hot sauce
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Juice
  • Baked beans
May God bless you as richly as you have blessed those in our community who have experienced hunger. No words can describe our gratitude for you, our church and number one partners in good.

Beth Stafford, Executive Director, MACC Charities (Now On Facebook)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fear Not Change, Change Must Occur

A reminder to change your clocks
- forward one hour -
on Saturday night for Daylight Savings.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Believe In the Holy Spirit

The March 7th sermon is now online on the North United Methodist Church Website. Give it a listen if you missed it, review if you were there and pass it on if you like to share. Make sure you don't miss the next in the series coming this Sunday. It just may answer some of those questions you have!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Letter from the Pastor’s Desk

Dear North UMC

We are, right now in the season of Lent. Lent is traditionally a penitential season, a season of reflection, repentance and preparation. Following the example of Jesus, who for forty days spent time in prayer, fasting and solitude, we approach this season before Easter with the determination to reflect on our lives, repent of our wrong doing and prepare for the Resurrection event.

Like Christmas, the Lent/Easter season is both a commemoration and an observance. We remember the life of Jesus and the events surrounding his ministry on earth and we ourselves observe or participate in spiritual disciplines that are patterned after Jesus' actions.

Spiritual disciplines like prayer – prayer that goes beyond the hurried rote repetition of familiar prayers like the "Our Father" to deep, personal, heartfelt prayer – prayers from the gut, as I like to call them. Prayers that come from the heart, not just the head or the mouth. Prayers that recognize our utter and complete dependence on God. Just like Jesus who went away, alone and often to pray, because he recognized that in order to do the work he was called to do, in order to complete his mission which was to declare that the Kingdom of God had come near to the people through his ministry of teaching, preaching and healing, he needed to depend totally and fully on the power of God.

So do we. If we are to accomplish anything of lasting value in this life, we need to follow the example of Jesus' life, the cornerstone of which was prayer. And prayer that is not confined to asking, but prayer that is also listening. Listening for what God wants to do in, around and through us. Listening is an important part of communication. Listening is an important part of prayer. That is why we need to turn away from the distractions of the world and tune in to the voice of God which comes to us in the stillness.

God's revelation and manifestation come to us when we are able to intentionally shut out the noise and chaos of the world. Sometimes we may have to seek out a deserted place in order to tune in to God. I assure you, it is worth the effort.

Perhaps you've never done this. Perhaps you haven't done it for a long time. But spending time alone with God is necessary if we are to live lives that are meaningful and fruitful. The scripture lesson from the gospel of Matthew for Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent invites us to prayer and fasting “in secret”, not announcing to the world that we have entered into this activity, but allowing the results of our prayer work to show in our lives.

One of my favorite radio announcers ends his show with this line:
“Remember if you want something that you've never had, you need to do something you've never done.”
If we want lives that are filled with the fruit of the Spirit, (Love, Peace Joy, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Patience and Self Control) we must be prepared to do our prayer work, devoting the time to communication with God in sincerity and hope. I invite us to make the effort during this season of Lent “and the Father who sees in secret will reward [us] openly.”

Pastor Laurel

Taking Care

Most people would agree that caring for our lives is the number one responsibility that we have as human beings. For all but a very few of us, self-preservation comes as naturally as breathing. Okay, I don't hear any loud protests about the statements that I have just made, so I will assume it's safe to proceed. Are you ready for what comes next?

Since we agree that taking care of our lives is our number one responsibility and that we are naturally inclined towards this, then we can agree that we are all stewards of our lives -- our own lives, that is. Good, I'm glad you agree. But, here's something else to consider -- we live in communities or varying kinds and sizes. We live in bodies, in families, congregations, villages, cities and towns, nations, states and countries. Let's take it as far as we can. We live on the earth, in the world in a galaxy, in the universe! We are connected, whether we realize it or not to something much, much bigger than we experience in our immediate environment.

And our individual lives are dependent on the interconnection between all these entities. We are nourished by these entities in many different ways; and this is what gives us life.

Jesus of Nazareth once said to his followers "I came that you may have life and may have it more abundantly". Now there's something else that the majority of us can agree on -- living abundantly.

But to enjoy life abundant we must acknowledge our connection to the aforementioned entities and do our part to take care of them.

So starting with our bodies, families and faith communities, we must intentionally take actions to take care of our lives. And recognizing that we are connected to these other vast entities, we consciously make decisions to do our part in taking care of those entities as well! Because, like it or not, we are connected to a vast and infinite existence. We are connected to the one we call God, of whom St. Paul said is that power in which "we live and move and have our being." It is the same God whom the writers of Genesis indicated, gave to humanity the whole created earth to "dress and keep it" and to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish" it. I looked up "dress" in the dictionary, and it said that to dress means, “put on clothing , "decorate or adorn,", "apply therapeutic materials", "cultivate", "to clean", "to do up", "to put a finish on". In other words, it means to take care of. We are stewards of our lives, our environment, of the whole universe; and as Christians, stewards of God's kingdom.

So, stewardship is not just about money. It much, much more than money. It's about our very lives. And every decision we make, about everything in our lives, speaks to our stewardship, on how we take care of the gifts that the Creator God has so graciously given to us.

So, how are you taking care of your life, your body, your family, neighborhood, state, nation, world? Take Care, now!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

SCRIP Update and Online Ordering

Over $1900 Raised

On-line Ordering Now Available! Visit and use the green "Family Sign Up!" box to create an account. The enrollment code is 34ECFECD22752 for North United Methodist Church. If you already have a ShopWithScrip account you can use this same code to add NUMC to your account.

Thank you for continuing to make your routine purchases on Sunday mornings and online as well. This is an on-going fundraiser and we invite you (as well as families and friends) to continue making purchases through North Church. Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991.
Thank you!


March 28 ~ 8 – 9:30 am

The breakfast, coordinated and led by the Alpha Class, is a Physical and Spiritual time of nourishment to start Holy Week. All are invited.

Please sign up in the Memorial Room.

THE WAY OF THE CROSS * Friday, April 2nd * 11 am

NUMC is participating in The Way of the Cross – The Ecumenical Observance of Jesus’ Passion which begins at 11 am at Center Congregational Church, 11 Center Street, Manchester. Please plan to join the walk!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February Sermons Online

All the February NUMC sermons are now online at our website including Ash Wednesday. Give them a listen and share them with anyone that might be interested.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Souper Bowl

Thank you to all who donated
food items for
making soup, and to
those who helped with
preparation, as well as
everyone who purchased
the goods to benefit
MACC. Parents, your
assistance was greatly
appreciated and much
needed. $827 was
raised for MACC.
— Charlene, Tim
and the MYF

A Huge Thank You

The Choir and Trustees would like to thank Dave Harris for crafting and installing three beautiful book racks for Chancel Choir hymnals and binders. Please join us in thanking Dave for his generosity and sharing of his woodworking gifts with North UMC.

UMCOR Responds to Earthquake in Chile

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is responding to the needs of people affected by the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Chile early on Saturday. Preliminary reports indicate at least 147 people have died, homes and hospitals have been destroyed, and the earthquake triggered a tsunami that is rolling across the Pacific.

On Saturday - the day the earthquake hit - Bishop Joel N. Martinez, interim General Secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries said, “I have just received the terrible news about the major 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile. The early reports of great destruction and widespread injuries and the increasing death count point to a need for a full response by all humanitarian agencies and governments in the coming days and weeks.”

UMCOR is working with partners in Chile: Iglesia Metodista de Chile (IMECH), Ministerio Social Methodista (MISOM) and Equipo Metodista de Acción Humanitaria (EMAH) to respond with resources and support.

Bishop Martinez continued, “I received a message from the Iglesia Metodista de Chile and have expressed to Bishop Mario Martinez Tapia that we respond with our prayers, our solidarity, and our commitment to offer the resources and services of UMCOR to help the church respond.”

In an email, Juan Salazar, President of the Methodist Social Ministry in Chile, says of their initial evaluations of damage, “the information that arises each time indicates that the effects are greater than originally assessed.”

UMCOR executives, Melissa Crutchfield and Tom Hazelwood expressed via email, “our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you mobilize EMAH and IMECH in response to the earthquake this morning. We will continue to keep in touch and to keep you in our prayers. UMCOR and the people of the United Methodist Church stand with you and will help in any way we can.”

Disaster Response Training
Crutchfield and Hazelwood conducted a three-day disaster preparedness and emergency response training for IMECH district coordinators in October 2009. About 20 participants of the Chilean Methodist Church from different districts and regions engaged in the eight-hour a day training, which fostered networking opportunities with local authorities and relevant partners in the emergency response field. The disaster response training offered support IMECH, MISOM and EMAH district coordinators to build a disaster response network in preparation for disasters.

In a blog entry in the UMCOR Notebook, Hazelwood writes, “When we spoke of the use of volunteers and their value to UMCOR’s ministry of disaster response, the people of Chile knew and understood perfectly. They know what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ when there is trouble.”

How to Help
Bishop Martinez says, “I call on our generous United Methodist constituents to join in the response to the Chile Emergency Advance to strengthen UMCOR’s ability to be fully present with resources.”

At this point, it is not anticipated that relief supply kits will be needed.

Financial support can be made to Chile Emergency Advance # 3021178.
Gifts can also be made by check to UMCOR and mailed to UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY 10087. For local church and Annual Conference credit, place your gift in the offering plate on Sundays. Please indicate in the memo line of the check that it is for the Chile Emergency.