Friday, August 30, 2013

Planning Meeting

Sunday, September 8 from 12 p - 4 p


There will be a POTLUCK followed by a MEETING to make plans for the remainder of this year and 2014.

Topics will include (but are not limited to):

  • Mission Work
  • Holiday Worship Services
  • Fellowship Events 
  • Fund Raisers 
  • Additional special planning 

Please mark this event on your calendar and prayerfully consider the gifts and talents you possess which can contribute to the commitment we all hold to the Mission of North UMC.

 We look forward to a productive and inspiring time together!

 A sign-up is available in the Memorial Room.

New Tidings

The September and October edition of Tidings, our newsletter, is now available on our website,

 This issue is packed with information and opportunities. Please take a couple minutes to look it over.

 It only takes a couple clicks to share, it may be just what someone needs!

Monday, August 12, 2013

NEW Bible Study with Pastor Dave

6 Week Study begins Tuesday, September 10 * 6:30pm

CHANGE the WORLD — Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus

Linking Bible study to global mission and local service projects, this six-session small group resource enables congregations to discuss and act on the imperatives of scripture.

Each week, participants will read and discuss a gospel story, watch a video profiling an inspiring, world-changing mission effort, and envision together how they can change the world locally and globally. Participants won’t just read about Jesus feeding the 5000 or healing the lepers, but will be inspired by contemporary ministries feeding the poor and preventing malaria. Participants will be challenged to take a leading role in the congregation’s missional efforts, serving in a homeless shelter as a group, raising funds for disaster relief, or planning a church -wide day of service.

Jesus called us to follow him, to live a life of active faith, feeding the poor, healing the sick, welcoming the alien, and rescuing the desperate. It’s easy to get stuck in our religious habits of just going to church, tossing a few bucks in the offering plate, and occasionally reading our Bible—but Jesus has bigger plans for us. We are called to be his hands and feet in the world. He wants to use us to change the world.

Study sessions begin with a potluck. Please sign-up in the Memorial Room.
Questions may be directed to Pastor Dave.

New Sermons Available

Be sure to check out the latest sermons available to be listened to at