Monday, June 28, 2010

Charge Conference

NUMC's Charge Conference for 2010 (Reports covering the period October 2009 --September 2010) takes place on SATURDAY OCTOBER 2, beginning at 4pm. The SPRC meets with the DS at 3pm

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just a “Friendly” reminder. (get it?)

Come to Friendly’s on Buckland Rd. in Manchester for dinner or dessert Monday night June 21st and a portion of you bill will go to the North United Methodist Church Youth Group’s mission trip this year. Details below. Please bring this flyer with you: flyer Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Everybody,

As some of you may or may not know, our youth group is raising funds for another mission trip.

This time we’re going to Florida to volunteer at the “Give Kids the World” village.

It is a facility for terminally ill kids and their families run by volunteers from all over.

If possible, we would also like to participate in a leadership training session for high school youth members.

We’re traveling by train, renting transportation, renting a house for a week and providing our own meals.

We would like to invite you to attend this fundraiser at Friendly’s Ice Cream where a portion of the evening’s proceeds will go to the youth group.

The more people we can get to attend the better the donation to the group so please pass this email around to everyone you know.

Those attending need to bring the attached flyer with them that evening.

We’ll be sending out reminders and we’ll have extra flyers available at church.

Any questions about this event or the mission trip itself, please don’t hesitate to call.


Tim & Charlene


Share Your Talent

Chris Collins, our Music Director, is providing an open invitation to all members of North Church to share their musical talent.

Throughout the summer instrumentalists and vocalists
are invited to provide the Prelude for services.

Please speak with Chris if you are interested in participating.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Sunday, June 20 is ONE Service at 10:00 am


Sunday, June 27 - September 5
One Service at 9:30 am

June 27 is the Congregational Meeting
directly following the service.
Please plan to stay and attend.

Your assistance in contacting those who do not receive email is greatly appreciated.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Race Tomorrow Supports MACC

JUNE 12, 2010
8:00 a.m. Kids Fun Run (Ages 2-11)
8:30 a.m. 5K for Charity
The second annual BlumShapiro 5K for Charity at the Travelers Championship will complement the tournament’s mission of giving back to the community by raising funds and donating food to local Connecticut shelters and food pantries.


Visit their website for details.

New Sermons Online

The 4 most recent sermons are now online. Listen on the NUMC website.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prayers from North United Methodist Church – week of May 31 through June 6

We invite you to pray with us and include these persons and situations in your prayers

For the spiritual health of this congregation, for healing and wholeness

For those persons in our fellowship of concern who have asked that we pray with them

For our Annual Conference, for the bishop, clergy and all members

For those involved in the church planting, so that we bring the good news of God’s love to those who are in need, lost, lonely, sick, in prison or oppressed in any way

For those involved in military conflict around the world, for members of our armed forces past and present and their families.

For those whose lives and livelihoods are endangered as a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

For those affected by earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, storm, especially the people of Haiti, Chile, Tennessee

For those who have died and their families

For new lives coming into the world and for their families

For graduates, teachers, instructors and professors

Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer