Friday, December 31, 2010
January 2011 Tidings
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Feed the Hungry! FREE Pasta Dinner to benefit MACC Charities! Tues. Dec. 28
Tuesday Dec. 28
snow date of Dec. 30.
North United Methodist Church
300 Parker St.
Manchester CT 06040.
(860) 649-3696
Budget Meeting Rescheduled
Sunday, Dec. 26 at 10:30 am has been rescheduled.
There is still One Service at 10:30 for Christmas Sunday with the presentation of a cantata.
Budget Meeting update:
2011 All-Church Budget Meeting
There will be a meeting concerning the 2011 Budget on Monday, January 3 at 7 pm. We encourage all members to attend. This meeting is critical to reconciling the budget.
We invite you to pick up a copy of the 2011 proposed budget which can be found in the Memorial Room. Please review this document in preparation of the meeting. You will see that we are in need of help with ideas and constructive input for balancing the budget.
Prayerfully consider the future of North Church for it is your church, our church, and the church of those yet to come to our doors.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Holiday Fellowship Meal Tuesday 12/28/2010 at 5:30
A Holiday Fellowship Meal
North UMC
300 Parker Street
Manchester, CT 06042
Tuesday, December 28
starting at 5:30 pm
Cost is a non-perishable canned good such as:
- beef stew
- jelly
- canned juice
All collected will be donated to MACC Charities
for the hungry within our community.
Questions may be directed to Lori Hovey (Fowler)
at 860-268-5947. Hope to see you there!
Monday, December 13, 2010
See the 12/12/2010 Hallulujah Chorus at Buckland Hills Mall in Manchester CT on YouTube here or here or here or here or search YouTube for more! See if you recognize any of us!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Churches honored for CROP Walk Efforts
The Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC Charities) presented the Gold Sneaker award to St. Mary's Episcopal Church, which raised the most money during the Manchester Crop (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty ) Walk in October. A total of $15,000 was raised, twenty-five percent will stay in our community food pantry to fight local hunger. The Silver Sneaker goes to Center Congregational Church and the Bronze to South United Methodist Church. The awards ceremony was held at 11 a.m. at MACC Charities, 460 Main St.

From left to right: Tom and Nancy Mann, Walk Coordinators from St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Chuck Obuchowski, Misson Outreach Committee Rep. from Center Congregational Church, Geoff Luxenberg, Development Officer, MACC Charities, Edith Gerber, Walk Coordinator for South United Methodist Church & Beth Stafford, Executive Director/CEO, MACC Charities.
Friday, December 3, 2010
See what your contributions to UMCOR and Church World Service do in Haiti
After a 7.0 magnitude earthquake ravaged Haiti in January 2010, some of the first responders were religious relief organizations. These faith-based groups continue to work in Haiti, as the road to helping the country sustain itself remains a very long one. The program looks at relief efforts begun immediately after the quake as well as the progress currently being made in Haiti by faith-based organizations. Members of Church World Service, Catholic Relief Services, Jewish Distribution Committee, and United Methodist Committee on Relief will share stories about their work with viewers.
If enacted, the DREAM Act would create a pathway for undocumented immigrant students to legal status. Students will be eligible for the pathway to legal status if they:
- entered the United States before age 16;
- lived in the U.S. for at least five continuous years immediately before the bill becomes effective;
- graduated from high school or gained admission into an institute of higher education;
- have "good moral character" and not committed certain crimes; and
- are younger than 35 when the bill becomes effective.
The DREAM Act would make a huge difference in the lives of undocumented youth who were brought to the United States by their parents and now, because of their lack of legal status, face obstacles to their future. By removing such barriers, the DREAM Act will allow immigrant students to pursue their dreams through college education or, if they choose to, through military service. DREAM Act students are talented, intelligent and dedicated young people who know only the U.S. as their home and who are ready to contribute to this country and have much we can benefit from.
Monday, November 29, 2010
SCRIP — FIRST STOP for Holiday Shopping!
Online Ordering Now Available go to
Register using the NUMC church code:
Place your order no later than 1:00 pm on the Monday of any given week, and your Scrip Cards will be available for pick-up on the following Sunday
morning. Pay for cards when you pick them up.
Thank you to those continuing to make routine purchases on Sunday mornings. If you have not participated yet, please consider doing so. Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991. Thank you!
BE READY: Walk in the Light
Monday, November 22, 2010
Dramatic Christmas Musical
New Sermon Online
Friday, November 5, 2010
Order Your Pointsettias
Thanks For a Great Auction
OVER $12,000 Raised!!
Hosted by our Auction Chairperson, Anita Haynes, and led by Joe LeBlanc, our very energized auctioneer, it was a fabulous evening of fellowship!
Thank you to SO many many people who helped by: donating services and goods, soliciting donations, cataloging all donations, making programs and auction paddles, baking desserts, hauling all the items to the venue and setting it all up, cashing people out, inviting friends and family, and bidding on items,… just to name a few tasks.
“Every Generous act of giving… is from above,
coming down from the Father…” - James 1:17
Monday, October 25, 2010
We appreciate the many generous donations for the boiler fund -- it demonstrates how much the church means to all of us, and that we can always count on each other in times of need. Special thanks go to Carole and Jim Williamson for their guidance and technical expertise and John Wilks for his help with the pledge drive.
Jan Miller — President, Board of Trustees
Tidings and Sermons
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Increasing Our Standard Of Giving
The next year his income doubled - but he still managed to live on 28 pounds - so he gave away 32 pounds. The third year he earned 90 pounds - lived on 28 - and gave away 62. The fourth year he earned 120 pounds - lived on 28 - and gave away 92. One year his income was a little over 1,400 pounds - he lived on 30 and gave away nearly all of the 1,400 pounds.
Wesley felt that with increasing income, what should rise is not the Christian’s standard of living but the standard of giving. Increasing our standard of giving. What a great Christian man and what a great lesson he taught, a lesson we can all learn from today.
The MACC Food Pantry
We especially need: meat soups, beef stew, canned meat, pasta sauce, cereal, corn, peas, tomatoes, baked beans, baking mixes and coffee, diapers sizes 4 and 5, corned beef hash, chili with beans, canned white potatoes, juice, rice/pasta mixes, jelly, mixed vegetables, spinach, clam chowder, peanut butter, canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, etc.), condiments, tuna, dry boxed potatoes, dry red kidney beans, mayonnaise, gelatin/pudding mixes, ramen noodles, sugar, green beans, beets, beans (black, white, pinto, etc.), chicken soup, yams, snacks, hot chocolate, pasta, carrots.
Remember: Marlene accepts monetary donations and is happy to do the shopping for the shelter if you are unable.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Join In This Saturday
If you have questions, please see or call Jan Miller, 860-646-6619.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Members are invited to walk with Pastor Laurel to raise money to feed the hungry through MACC Charities here in town and worldwide through Church World Service. Contributions can be solicited and made on line, so that members with internet access do not have to worry about tracking money. Walkers please speak with Pastor Laurel. The walk is approximately 4.5 miles, starting at South UMC and ending at MACC on Main Street. There is a shorter walk for those who cannot make the 4.5 miles. That walk is actually half a mile. Volunteers are needed for support (Traffic control, water stations etc.) To volunteer, please speak with Pastor Laurel or Florence Wollaston.
The Adult Bible Class spent the greater part of the 2009/2010 year studying Genesis. During the last month the class we looked at the letters of James and Peter. The class met every Sunday night at 6:30. Much time was put into discussion of what the bible meant then and how it affects us now. The average attendance was eight people.
This study covered the creation and God's relationship with man before and after the fall. It continues with God's establishment of the people of God through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We finished with the story of Joseph. This was a good story of faith and how it works in ones life to affect those around you.
The letters of James and Peter dealt with the problems of the early church. It shows how Christians have always had to fight the weakening of our faith. Then and now we have had to deal with Gnosticism and antichristian teachings. Both James and Peter spent much time in their letters defining what being a Christian means and what we must guard against.
The class felt studying the letters was time well spent and will continue with the letters of Peter this fall. After this we will take a look at the gospel of Mark.
John B. Chadwick (860-643-0943)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
10-Fold: Only A Few Days Away!
Lay Speaking
Friday, September 17, 2010
Knitting Ministry resumes this Monday, September 20th
For more information contact:
Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609;
Sue Derby 860-643-4589;
Diana Custer 860-875-9805.
MACC Moment
Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to our Community Pantry and soup kitchen‘s needs this past year.
You filled our pantry, cellar, store house and soup kitchen storage many times over. Your generosity fed over 2,000 people each month for over a year and no one was turned away.
The MACC Food Pantry is doing very well right now but a few items are in short supply:
Baked Beans
Mac & Cheese
Canned potatoes
Soup: Chicken and Chowders
Ramen Noodles
Canned meats
Jelly & Jam
Jell-O & pudding
I want everyone at North United Methodist Church to know how much we appreciate your support of programs at MACC. Please be assured that your kindness is so important to us.
Blessings to all.
Dale Doll, Director of Food Services, MACC Charities
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Huge Indoor Tag Sale
8 am to Noon
Church Photo Directory
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Music & Fellowship Program
Back to School -- Back to Church
The MACC Food Pantry
Monday, August 23, 2010
NUMC Tag Sale
Now is the time to start bringing the gently used items that clutter up your house for the Tag Sale!
We are now collecting items in the basement room across from the Sunday School office. There is a sign that says "Place Tag Sale items here." This is a great time to clear out those unwanted items.
Remember: We don't take clothing or large furniture but will sell everything else.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Youth Mission Trip
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Prayer Service
An interdenominational prayer service is set for August 10, the one-week anniversary of the mass killing to help the community cope with the tragedy and mourn the loss of the Hartford Distributors workers. The service is expected to last about an hour and is scheduled for 6:30 pm. The Mayor of Manchester and other town officials will be attending and the church will be open for any in the community to come and join in prayer of this tragic event.
Thursday Evening Prayer
All are invited as we learn about prayer and how to pray for our congregation, community, and self. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. You may sign up in the Memorial Room, though all are invited even if you didn't get a chance to sign up.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Summer Tidings Available
Monday, June 28, 2010
Charge Conference
Monday, June 21, 2010
Just a “Friendly” reminder. (get it?)
Hi Everybody,
As some of you may or may not know, our youth group is raising funds for another mission trip.
This time we’re going to Florida to volunteer at the “Give Kids the World” village.
It is a facility for terminally ill kids and their families run by volunteers from all over.
If possible, we would also like to participate in a leadership training session for high school youth members.
We’re traveling by train, renting transportation, renting a house for a week and providing our own meals.
We would like to invite you to attend this fundraiser at Friendly’s Ice Cream where a portion of the evening’s proceeds will go to the youth group.
The more people we can get to attend the better the donation to the group so please pass this email around to everyone you know.
Those attending need to bring the attached flyer with them that evening.
We’ll be sending out reminders and we’ll have extra flyers available at church.
Any questions about this event or the mission trip itself, please don’t hesitate to call.
Tim & Charlene
Share Your Talent
Throughout the summer instrumentalists and vocalists
are invited to provide the Prelude for services.
Please speak with Chris if you are interested in participating.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sunday, June 27 - September 5
One Service at 9:30 am
June 27 is the Congregational Meeting
directly following the service.
Please plan to stay and attend.
Your assistance in contacting those who do not receive email is greatly appreciated.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Race Tomorrow Supports MACC
8:00 a.m. Kids Fun Run (Ages 2-11)
8:30 a.m. 5K for Charity
The second annual BlumShapiro 5K for Charity at the Travelers Championship will complement the tournament’s mission of giving back to the community by raising funds and donating food to local Connecticut shelters and food pantries.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Prayers from North United Methodist Church – week of May 31 through June 6
For the spiritual health of this congregation, for healing and wholeness
For those persons in our fellowship of concern who have asked that we pray with them
For our Annual Conference, for the bishop, clergy and all members
For those involved in the church planting, so that we bring the good news of God’s love to those who are in need, lost, lonely, sick, in prison or oppressed in any way
For those involved in military conflict around the world, for members of our armed forces past and present and their families.
For those whose lives and livelihoods are endangered as a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
For those affected by earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, storm, especially the people of Haiti, Chile, Tennessee
For those who have died and their families
For new lives coming into the world and for their families
For graduates, teachers, instructors and professors
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Friday, May 28, 2010
Summer Tidings Deadline
All articles for the summer months are due on
June Tidings Now Available
Inside this issue you will find:
- Pastor's Letter
- Calendar
- Blood Donation
- SCRIP Update
- Meetings This Month
- Homework Club
- Summer Sunday School
- Cute Kids with Palms
- MYF Mission Trip Fundraiser
- Mangia for MACC at Rocco's
- Trick or Treat for MACC
Friday, May 14, 2010
Knitting Ministry
The Ministry will break for the summer. Regular meetings will resume on September 20, 2010 and the first and third Monday of each month there after. We thank all our members for their work this year. We have a nice supply of prayer shawls, and a good head start on lap rugs for the VNA Hospice Christmas baskets. We have made baby blankets, hats and booties for MMH birthing center, and red bed blankets for the MMH ICU . This fall we will be considering some additional charities to which we may donate. New members are always welcome as are items from those who prefer to work at home. Have a great Summer!
For more information contact:
Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609
Sue Derby 860-643-4589
Diana Custer 860-875-9805
Give Life
June 10, 24
July 8, 22
Aug 12, 26
Sept 9, 23
Oct 14, 28
Nov 11
Dec 9
CALL 1-800- GIVE LIFE (1-800-448-3543) or visit the Red Cross Blood Donation website to schedule an appointment.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Adult Bible Class
For the last seven months the Adult Bible Class has been studying Genesis. We have been looking at this book of the bible with the idea of understanding Gods purpose for man and how he works to make us understand his goals for us. We have studied the creation of man and his relationship to God. Areas we have looked at are: the story of the Garden of Eden, man's fall from grace, Noah and the flood, and Gods covenant with man. We studied the patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We looked at God's attempt to develop a race of people that would follow his ways.
Most recently we have been studying the story of Joseph. This is the saga of his rise from a slave in a foreign country to the second highest official in the country of Egypt. How did he do it? Yes he had the gift of interpreting dreams but he also was a faithful worshiper of God that never wavered when he had tough times. He was able to impress his superiors with his compassion for others and his integrity. His brothers, eleven of the roughest characters you would ever want to meet is a story of reconciliation. By threats of starvation, incarceration, and death they came to the realization that their brother's dream was true. They were restored and able understand that selling their brother to slavery and then lying to their father was wrong. They were forgiven by Joseph and allowed to live with their father in Egypt safe from the famine.
Throughout all of this we have been studying what all these stories mean. What does God want for us? Why did he create us? What is his plan? How does God work? What are we to do to be faithful to God? To answer these questions we studied key words such as trials, humbleness, pride, discipline, integrity, providence, redemption, restoration, reconciled, and wisdom. There are hundreds of passages in Psalms, Proverbs, and the letters of Paul describing what these words mean.
During the next two months we will be studying some of the epistles. These were letters written by Peter, James, and John to the early Christian congregations. They discuss some of the problems of that time and how to deal with them. Some of these problems are evident even today which makes them all that more important to the learning Christian.
Take some time to grow in the wisdom of the Lord. Come join us for this class!
The Adult Bible Class is lead by John Chadwick (860-643-0943) every Sunday night at 6:30-8:00.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Set Aside Tag Sale Items
Now is the time to start collecting the gently used items that are cluttering up your house! This tag sale is always a favorite with collectors and we want to provide them with plenty of items to buy. Watch for details about dropping items off to a designated area in the church location and start date to be determined. Thank you for your support throughout the years!
Remember: we don't take clothing or large furniture but we will sell everything else.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
All Church Clean-up Day
(weather permitting)
10 am -1 pm
A Night of Music
Friday, April 30, 2010
If you have not participated yet, please consider doing so.
Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at
860-712-9991. Thank you!
go to
Register using the NUMC church code:
Pay for cards when you pick them up.
Sunday, May 2 - One Service at 10 am
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Knitting Ministry
We have been working on items for the Community Baby Shower which is in May. Donations of baby yarn or monetary donations to purchase baby yarn is greatly appreciated. We continue to work on Prayer Shawls and Lap blankets. If you would like to work at home and submit items, we happily accept all.
The Ministry welcomes new members. You don't have to know how to knit or crochet. Our patterns are easy and we are all patient teachers. We do have some crochet hooks and knitting needles available if you would like to give yarn work a try. Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, peaceful music, tea, and Linda's cookies.
For more information contact: Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609; Sue Derby 860-643-4589; Diana Custer 860-875-9805.
Over 50's Fellowship
dessert and beverage will be provided.
Come and have some fun!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wesleyan Study Group
April 25 Sermons Now Online
April 18 Sermon Now Online
Friday, April 23, 2010
May Issue of Tidings Online
In it you will find these articles and information:
- Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
- Way of the Cross
- SCRIP — a wonderful Fund Raising Program.
- May Music Fellowship
- Adult Bible Study
- All Church Workday
- Worship Assignments
- Social Principles
- Mayor's Breakfast
- NEW Member
- Calendar
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ya Gotta Eat
Although we have MACC Member Churches, Faith Groups and Friends selected for each week – you can go any of the times –and as many times you like to benefit MACC Charities.
Remember- you have to say you are there to support MACC in order for us to get the % of your meal.
One more thing…
Will you please pass this one to your family – friends and colleagues???? thank you!
Beth Stafford
Executive Director
MACC Charities
(860) 647-0440
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Health Care For All
Adapted and reprinted from “Faith In Action, March 23, 2010."
In late March, the United States Congress passed a health care reform law that takes a huge step towards making this a reality. The United Methodist Social Principles declares health care is “a basic human right.”
The United States took a huge step toward affirming this right last night when the House of Representatives passed health insurance reform legislation. The President signed the
legislation one day later. A second bill was adopted by a vote of 220 to 211 and now goes to the Senate, where it is expected to pass.
I appreciate that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thanked The United Methodist Church for the support our denomination has given to health care reform. For decades, the General Board of Church & Society has worked alongside thousands of United Methodists to achieve health care for all in the U.S.; this vote brings us closer to that reality. When signed into law there will be important protections for every person including banning health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. Health care reform will ensure that more Americans have access to health insurance. Over 31 million Americans are currently uninsured; this legislation will assist low income working people who cannot afford the steep prices for health insurance now.
Jesus’ ministry serves as an example and a call to serve the least and the last among us. He asked us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves — setting forth a faith grounded in God’s abundance, generosity and a capacity for love that knows no bounds.
We are not finished. There is more work to be done in the weeks, months and years ahead. United Methodist Resolution #3201, which was approved by the 2008 General Conference, charges the General Board of Church & Society with primary responsibility for advocating health care for all in the United States Congress and for communicating this policy to United Methodists in the USA. The resolution can be downloaded from the General Board of Church & Society website by clicking on the following: "Health Care for All in the United States."
Reprinted in part from "Faith In Action" 3/23/10
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wesleyan Study Group
Questions about WSG may be directed to Carolyn Gimbrone (860-643-9310).
Jim Winkler, General Secretary of the church‘s Board of Church and Society issued the following statement:
Meaningful and civil discourse has been an overarching priority for the United Methodist General Board of Church & Society as we assist local churches and represent United Methodist positions to elected officials. As Congress has debated and deliberated health-insurance reform legislation, I have been deeply disturbed by the lack of basic decency and common courtesy among people who have dis-agreements about public policy.
This past weekend‘s appalling display by protesters in Washington, D.C., demonstrates the overtly racist message of too many of the so-called 'Tea Party' members. Such behavior must be denounced by all people.
"Let us not delude ourselves into believing this is an isolated incident," Cleaver said after the incident. "A calculated campaign fomenting hate led up to this incident. In the strongest terms possible I denounce efforts to incite people to acts of racism." Cleaver said Abraham Lincoln‘s second inaugural address expressed our fervent prayer:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up our nation’s wounds, to care for [those] who shall have borne the battle and for [the] widow and [the] orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
I call upon United Methodists to model civil discourse as we seek to ensure that all Americans benefit from just laws. There is no room for such uncivil behavior no matter what the discussion, be it healthcare or comprehensive immigration reform or changing inequities in criminal justice laws. Paul's letter to the Church at Corinth contains important words for us during this Lenten time:
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We entreat you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God
Friday, April 9, 2010
Letter From the Pastor's Desk
As United Methodists we are a connectional church. We’re all connected! Each church in the cluster, district, annual conference, jurisdiction and general conference are all connected. If we take this thought further, we are connected through our belief in Jesus Christ to all Christians. We are in communion, in community, with all Christians through our common belief. We are, in fact, unified in our beliefs in Jesus Christ. While we may not be uniform in our practices, we are unified in our faith.
There are a multitude of advantages to being connected. There are simple examples like when I run out of Special Sunday envelopes and I can call one of my nearby colleagues in East Hartford or in Rockville and receive their overflow of envelopes; and there are connections on a larger scale, as with denominational organizations like UMCOR, which we support regularly and through which we respond to emergencies around the corner or around the world. There are organizations like United Methodist Women, which meet every quadrennial – over 10,000 from all over the world, and there is the World Methodist Conference which meets every five years drawing together Methodists from around the world to discuss issues in common.
Of course there is our General Conference which meet every quadrennial to enact church law, and the Jurisdictional Conferences that elect and consecrate bishops. As a result of our connection, we support each other – we both give and receive support as with Equitable Compensation, Campus Ministries and Vital Ministries.
When I think of the United Methodist Church, how it is organized and how it is meant to function, I think that we have evolved into a potentially efficient organization. And organization, institution or efficiency do not have to be 'bad' words. My prayer is that we will continue working towards the twin goals of efficiency – using our resources wisely, and effectiveness in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
That‘s where we come in as individuals. As we utilize the structure as is and work to improve the connection, we join our efforts with the efforts of millions of others to become a powerful force for the transformation of a world where there is peace and happiness, love and justice.
As a connected body, we join together to accomplish the goal that Jesus himself gave – to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, all people. So as we join together and work together and pray together and stay connected, we can accomplish even greater things for Christ, because we are connected.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Laurel
“The Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests come together to focus on the mission of the church.” This statement is from a pamphlet Pastor Laurel gave me, which was prepared by the UMC to provide direction for the ministry of this committee. The specific tasks of the SPRC as listed in the Book of Discipline are summarized in the pamphlet:
- Educating and reminding both the staff and the congregation to focus on working together toward the mission of the church by promoting unity and encouraging, strengthening, nurturing, supporting, and respecting the pastor, staff, and their families.
- Leading conversation between the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, including recommendations about staff positions to carry out the work of the church.
- Developing and recommending written policy and procedures on employment of non-appointed staff.
- Assessing job performance of the staff/pastor at least annually for the purpose of realigning staff position descriptions with the mission of the church.
- Conferring and consulting with the district superintendent.
- Supporting lifelong learning and spiritual renewal for all staff (continuing education).
- Identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.
Pastor Laurel Scott - Carolyn Gimbrone
Irene Fitzgerald - Charley Cappello
Chris Collins - Becky Harris
Heidi Lenhardt - Joan Byron
Ron & Judy Starkweather - Bob Pelletier
I am looking forward to serving our staff and congregation as the Chair of the SPRC. Please know that I am always available if you have any questions or feedback.
Carolyn Gimbrone, Staff-Parish relations Chairperson
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mitchell A. Hadge
Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 8th at 10:00 am at North United Methodist Church, 300 Parker St., Manchester. Burial will be in the East Cemetery.
Calling hours will be held Wednesday 2:30-5:00 pm and 6:30-8:30 pm at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St., Manchester.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Vernon Manor Recreation Fund, Vernon Manor, 180 Regan Road, Vernon, CT 06066 or North United Methodist Church Memorial Fund, 300 Parker St., Manchester, CT. 06042 To sign the online register book go to
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Special Worship Services
Tomorrow night at 7:00 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service with Chancel Choir
Sunday at 10:00 am Easter Worship Service
Monday, March 29, 2010
Over 50's Fellowship April 7, 2010 at 12 pm
Questions may be directed to Linda Gates at 860-647-9756.
Knitting Ministry
The Ministry welcomes new members. You don't have to know how to knit or crochet. Our patterns are easy and we are all patient teachers. We do have some crochet hooks and knitting needles available if you would like to give yarn work a try. Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, peaceful music, tea, and Linda's cookies.
For more information contact: Paula Adamczyk 860-646-6609; Sue Derby 860-643-4589; Diana Custer 860-875-9805
Saturday, March 27, 2010
SPRING 2010 Leadership Academy Registration Deadline April 1st
Rev. Heidi Chamberland, District Superintendent
SPRING 2010 Leadership Academy
“Resurrecting our Spirit”
Saturday, April 10, 2010
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Rockville United Methodist Church
142 Grove Street, Rockville CT
Rev. Henrietta Aiello, Pastor
(church is handicap accessible)
Each participant may register for one morning and one afternoon workshop session. Click here for a registration form. Deadline is April 1st.
- SEEDLINGS: How to Grow Spiritual Children - Ms. Meri Blanchard, Trinity UMC, Springfield MA
- Sharing Your Faith - Ms. Candy Morgans, UMC of Enfield CT
- Staff-Parish Relations Committee Training - Rev. Heidi Chamberland, District Superintendent
- ???????? - Rev. Curtis Brown, NEUMC Dir. Of Congregational Dev.
- ???????? - Ms. Lisa McColgan Dalton MA UMC
- Worship, Learn and Grow…the new focus for church meetings - Ms. Beth Frechette, UMC of Enfield CT
- Wesleyan Heritage ?????? - Mr. Kurt Pearson, First UMC, Greenfield MA
- Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations - Mr. George Button, District Ministry Team Chair
Friday, March 26, 2010
On-Going SCRIP Gift Card Fundraising Update
We have hit the $2000 mark!
Keep those orders coming, and tell your friends and family about it too!!
On-line Ordering Now Available! - speak to Anita for details.
Cards may be ordered each Sunday between and after services or by contacting
Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991.
Cards are available for pick-up on the following Sunday morning.
Anita is also in need of Sunday morning volunteers to take orders and distribute previously ordered gift cards. Please speak to Anita with any questions.
April Issue of Tidings Online
In it you will find these articles and information:
- Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
- Health Care for All
- SCRIPS — a wonderful Fund Raising Program.
- YOUTH Group News
- Adult Fellowship Potluck
- Trustees Workday
- Worship Assignments
- Outreach Updates
- Racism, still a Problem
- Calendar
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dance and Praise Music workshop being held at the Herkimer UMC, May 15th
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2010
($5.00/person 10 years of age and older)
Please bring a bag lunch. Snacks will be provided throughout the day.
To register or for more information regarding this event, please contact Linda Underwood at 315-427-2001 or
via e-mail at
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Christian Beliefs: The Apostle's Creed — Full Sermon Series Online
creator of heaven and earth.(January 24, 2010)
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
born of the virgin Mary,(February 7, 2010)
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;(February 14, 2010)
he descended to hell.
On the third day he rose again,(February 21, 2010)
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father.
abd will come again to judge the living and the dead.(February 28, 2010)
I believe in the Holy Spirit,(March 7, 2010)
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,(March 14, 2010)
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.(March 21, 2010)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The holy catholic church, the communion of saints
Order Forms are enclosed in Tidings and are available in the Memorial Room at Church. Choose from Lilies, Daffodils, and Tulips.
The plants will decorate the chancel for Easter morning.
If you have any questions, please call Doris at 860-649-6494.
Food Collection Thank You
Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to our Community Pantry and soup kitchen’s needs this past year. We experienced a 48% increase in need in the pantry from the year before and an 18% increase in children eating in the soup kitchen in 2009.
You filled our pantry, cellar, store house and soup kitchen storage many times over. Your generosity fed over 2,000 people each month for over a year and no one was turned away.
Our shelves still reflect your compassion but there are a few things we cannot keep in stock. So many of you call us to see what the need is so we decided to send this shopping list along with our thank you.
- Canned meats (spam, ham, chicken and beef stew)
- Jelly
- Pancake mix & syrup
- Sugar
- Hot sauce
- Salt & Pepper
- Juice
- Baked beans
Beth Stafford, Executive Director, MACC Charities (Now On Facebook)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Fear Not Change, Change Must Occur
- forward one hour -
on Saturday night for Daylight Savings.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I Believe In the Holy Spirit
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
We are, right now in the season of Lent. Lent is traditionally a penitential season, a season of reflection, repentance and preparation. Following the example of Jesus, who for forty days spent time in prayer, fasting and solitude, we approach this season before Easter with the determination to reflect on our lives, repent of our wrong doing and prepare for the Resurrection event.
Like Christmas, the Lent/Easter season is both a commemoration and an observance. We remember the life of Jesus and the events surrounding his ministry on earth and we ourselves observe or participate in spiritual disciplines that are patterned after Jesus' actions.
Spiritual disciplines like prayer – prayer that goes beyond the hurried rote repetition of familiar prayers like the "Our Father" to deep, personal, heartfelt prayer – prayers from the gut, as I like to call them. Prayers that come from the heart, not just the head or the mouth. Prayers that recognize our utter and complete dependence on God. Just like Jesus who went away, alone and often to pray, because he recognized that in order to do the work he was called to do, in order to complete his mission which was to declare that the Kingdom of God had come near to the people through his ministry of teaching, preaching and healing, he needed to depend totally and fully on the power of God.
So do we. If we are to accomplish anything of lasting value in this life, we need to follow the example of Jesus' life, the cornerstone of which was prayer. And prayer that is not confined to asking, but prayer that is also listening. Listening for what God wants to do in, around and through us. Listening is an important part of communication. Listening is an important part of prayer. That is why we need to turn away from the distractions of the world and tune in to the voice of God which comes to us in the stillness.
God's revelation and manifestation come to us when we are able to intentionally shut out the noise and chaos of the world. Sometimes we may have to seek out a deserted place in order to tune in to God. I assure you, it is worth the effort.
Perhaps you've never done this. Perhaps you haven't done it for a long time. But spending time alone with God is necessary if we are to live lives that are meaningful and fruitful. The scripture lesson from the gospel of Matthew for Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent invites us to prayer and fasting “in secret”, not announcing to the world that we have entered into this activity, but allowing the results of our prayer work to show in our lives.
One of my favorite radio announcers ends his show with this line:
“Remember if you want something that you've never had, you need to do something you've never done.”If we want lives that are filled with the fruit of the Spirit, (Love, Peace Joy, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Patience and Self Control) we must be prepared to do our prayer work, devoting the time to communication with God in sincerity and hope. I invite us to make the effort during this season of Lent “and the Father who sees in secret will reward [us] openly.”
Pastor Laurel
Taking Care
Since we agree that taking care of our lives is our number one responsibility and that we are naturally inclined towards this, then we can agree that we are all stewards of our lives -- our own lives, that is. Good, I'm glad you agree. But, here's something else to consider -- we live in communities or varying kinds and sizes. We live in bodies, in families, congregations, villages, cities and towns, nations, states and countries. Let's take it as far as we can. We live on the earth, in the world in a galaxy, in the universe! We are connected, whether we realize it or not to something much, much bigger than we experience in our immediate environment.
And our individual lives are dependent on the interconnection between all these entities. We are nourished by these entities in many different ways; and this is what gives us life.
Jesus of Nazareth once said to his followers "I came that you may have life and may have it more abundantly". Now there's something else that the majority of us can agree on -- living abundantly.
But to enjoy life abundant we must acknowledge our connection to the aforementioned entities and do our part to take care of them.
So starting with our bodies, families and faith communities, we must intentionally take actions to take care of our lives. And recognizing that we are connected to these other vast entities, we consciously make decisions to do our part in taking care of those entities as well! Because, like it or not, we are connected to a vast and infinite existence. We are connected to the one we call God, of whom St. Paul said is that power in which "we live and move and have our being." It is the same God whom the writers of Genesis indicated, gave to humanity the whole created earth to "dress and keep it" and to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish" it. I looked up "dress" in the dictionary, and it said that to dress means, “put on clothing , "decorate or adorn,", "apply therapeutic materials", "cultivate", "to clean", "to do up", "to put a finish on". In other words, it means to take care of. We are stewards of our lives, our environment, of the whole universe; and as Christians, stewards of God's kingdom.
So, stewardship is not just about money. It much, much more than money. It's about our very lives. And every decision we make, about everything in our lives, speaks to our stewardship, on how we take care of the gifts that the Creator God has so graciously given to us.
So, how are you taking care of your life, your body, your family, neighborhood, state, nation, world? Take Care, now!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
SCRIP Update and Online Ordering
Thank you for continuing to make your routine purchases on Sunday mornings and online as well. This is an on-going fundraiser and we invite you (as well as families and friends) to continue making purchases through North Church. Questions may be directed to Anita Haynes at 860-712-9991.
March 28 ~ 8 – 9:30 am
The breakfast, coordinated and led by the Alpha Class, is a Physical and Spiritual time of nourishment to start Holy Week. All are invited.
Please sign up in the Memorial Room.
THE WAY OF THE CROSS * Friday, April 2nd * 11 am
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
February Sermons Online
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Huge Thank You
UMCOR Responds to Earthquake in Chile
On Saturday - the day the earthquake hit - Bishop Joel N. Martinez, interim General Secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries said, “I have just received the terrible news about the major 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile. The early reports of great destruction and widespread injuries and the increasing death count point to a need for a full response by all humanitarian agencies and governments in the coming days and weeks.”
UMCOR is working with partners in Chile: Iglesia Metodista de Chile (IMECH), Ministerio Social Methodista (MISOM) and Equipo Metodista de Acción Humanitaria (EMAH) to respond with resources and support.
Bishop Martinez continued, “I received a message from the Iglesia Metodista de Chile and have expressed to Bishop Mario Martinez Tapia that we respond with our prayers, our solidarity, and our commitment to offer the resources and services of UMCOR to help the church respond.”
In an email, Juan Salazar, President of the Methodist Social Ministry in Chile, says of their initial evaluations of damage, “the information that arises each time indicates that the effects are greater than originally assessed.”
UMCOR executives, Melissa Crutchfield and Tom Hazelwood expressed via email, “our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you mobilize EMAH and IMECH in response to the earthquake this morning. We will continue to keep in touch and to keep you in our prayers. UMCOR and the people of the United Methodist Church stand with you and will help in any way we can.”
Disaster Response Training
Crutchfield and Hazelwood conducted a three-day disaster preparedness and emergency response training for IMECH district coordinators in October 2009. About 20 participants of the Chilean Methodist Church from different districts and regions engaged in the eight-hour a day training, which fostered networking opportunities with local authorities and relevant partners in the emergency response field. The disaster response training offered support IMECH, MISOM and EMAH district coordinators to build a disaster response network in preparation for disasters.
In a blog entry in the UMCOR Notebook, Hazelwood writes, “When we spoke of the use of volunteers and their value to UMCOR’s ministry of disaster response, the people of Chile knew and understood perfectly. They know what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ when there is trouble.”
How to Help
Bishop Martinez says, “I call on our generous United Methodist constituents to join in the response to the Chile Emergency Advance to strengthen UMCOR’s ability to be fully present with resources.”
At this point, it is not anticipated that relief supply kits will be needed.
Financial support can be made to Chile Emergency Advance # 3021178.
Gifts can also be made by check to UMCOR and mailed to UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY 10087. For local church and Annual Conference credit, place your gift in the offering plate on Sundays. Please indicate in the memo line of the check that it is for the Chile Emergency.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
March Tidings Online
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
February Tidings Online
Sermons Online
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Ongoing Health Kits for Haiti Collection
To assemble a kit:
UMCOR requests that the following NEW items be placed in a sealed one-gallon plastic bag.
- 1 hand towel (15” x 25” up to 17” x 27”. No kitchen towels.
- 1 washcloth
- 1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized)
- 1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers)
- 1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. and up)
- 1 toothbrush (single brushes only in original wrapper, no child-size brushes)
- 6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages
- $1.00 to purchase toothpaste
(NOTE: Toothpaste is purchased in bulk to be added to health kits to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.)
Because the emergency kits are carefully planned to make them usable in the greatest number of situations and strict rules govern product entry into international countries, UMCOR requires that the kits contain only the requested items – nothing more.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti Update
- The latest updates on the Haiti Emergency from the United Methodist Church
- Online donation directly to UMCOR
- How to provide Health Kits to aid survivors
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Alpha Update
- Introductory Session: Is there more to life than this?
- Session 2 Who is Jesus?
- Session3 Why did Jesus die?
We begin at 6:00 with dinner; (Dinner is important because the learning community that is being formed is formed around the Jesus model of table fellowship) 6:30 lecture of the day; 7:00 small group discussions. 7:30 session ends.
Bishop Weaver Calls for Prayer for Haiti
Support for relief efforts can be made to Haiti Emergency: UMCOR Advance # 418325
For more information on the situation and the relief efforts, read the UMNS news story here:
UMCOR Responds to the Earthquake in Haiti
UMCOR executive, Melissa Crutchfield says, “We are working with our partners on the ground to provide immediate relief to the people in Haiti. UMCOR has worked in Haiti for many years. We anticipate that there will be years of rebuilding needed and are prepared to work with the people to help them through that process.”
Working with partners, Action by Churches Together, Church World Service, Global Medic and the Methodist Church, UMCOR is channeling its resources to respond effectively to the people most in need.
In a statement to Global Ministries staff, the General Secretary said, “Events such as these can challenge both our faith and sense of security. As a church we know that the heart of our ministry is continuing and extending Jesus Christ’s ministry of outreaching love.”
Staff and Volunteers in Haiti
Volunteers from at least six different United Methodist annual (regional) conferences are in Haiti on mission trips. An email from two Kansas East volunteers reports they are safe in the guest house and, “We have a bunch of refugees in the front had have been giving first aid to those who were hurt, but we cannot get them anywhere at this time. There will be many deaths but it happened right before dark so rescue efforts are hampered. Some phone service and no police or UN radios working.”
Volunteers in Mission (VIM) executive, Clint Rabb, consultant, Jim Gulley and Sam Dixon, the top executive for UMCOR are in Haiti. Says UMCOR executive, Tom Hazelwood, “We have conflicting reports that say they were in a car on the way to the airport and another that they were in the Montana Hotel. We don’t have any absolute confirmation at this time and have not heard from them, but will be sure to communicate any news. Please continue praying.”
How to Help
There will be a great need for volunteers to help rebuild once the initial crisis has settled. At this time, it is not safe or possible for volunteers to go to Haiti. In order to frame a response that is consistent with the churches’ needs, people wishing to volunteer should contact their jurisdictional VIM coordinator to determine when and how to appropriately respond.
Gifts to support UMCOR's Haiti Relief efforts can be made to Haiti Emergency, UMCOR Advance #418325. Checks can be made to UMCOR with Advance #418325 Haiti Emergency in the memo line. Checks can be put in the church's offering plate or mailed to UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY 10087. 100% of gifts made to this advance will go to help the people of Haiti.
UMCOR Sager Brown is coordinating a shipment of health kits to provide individuals with basic necessities. Instructions for assembling and shipping health kits are available at .
Bishop Peter D. Weaver of the New England Annual Conference is calling all New England United Methodists to prayer for the people of Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake there.
Please pray for all of the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. Thank you for your faithful support for all of God’s children.
For continued updates visit
United Methodist Federal Credit Union Update
We would also like to announce that Shelly Page, who has been with the New England UMFCU for 13 years, has accepted a new position with a credit union in Sabattus, Maine. We thank Shelly for her dedicated contribution to NE UMFCU and wish her success in her new professional journey.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.” Rev. 21:1
Today, in this New Year, I begin life anew.
Today I am born to a fresh, new, bright, glorious day and year.
This new year has never been lived before and will never be lived again.
I enter into this new year with enthusiasm, knowing that the Presence of God uplifts and enlightens me.
I bring into this new year only intelligence, wisdom, peace, joy and understanding.
New courage, new strength, new life are mine to share.
I am adding to this new year new ideas, new methods, new thoughts and new attitudes.
Today I am rich in radiant health, infinite Abundance and Love.
The beauty, warmth, color, protection and comfort of God’s loving presence fills me with a deep sense of peace, joy, and security.
I pour into every moment of this new year the wonderful blessings that abound for me.
My cup runneth over. This is indeed my year of fulfillment.
Today I am living in a new heaven and earth.
Thank you father, for this new year. And so it is.
Adapted from “Your Needs Met” Jack & Cornelia Adding-ton © 1966 DeVorss & Co., Marina Del Ray, CA
On-Going SCRIP Gift Card Fundraising Update
Cards may be ordered each Sunday between and after services or by contacting
Anita Haynes at 860-646-3926 or 860-712-9991.
Cards are available for pick-up on the following Sunday.
Scrip is a fund-raising tool through which families generate revenue through purchases they would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with scrip.
NUMC buys the scrip gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a discount, and re-sells them to our organization members for full face value. The discount - from two to fifteen percent or more - is a rebate retained by NUMC as revenue. It’s that easy!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thank You
Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much for the monetary gifts of $6,330.64 in 2009, the volunteers, the food, and the clothing.
Your wonderful Basket for the Fashion Show helped us to raise over $13,000. Wow!
Thank you,
Beth Stafford
Executive Director, MACC Charities
Letter from the Pastor’s Desk
At the beginning of a New Year it is customary to look forward to the exciting new future that
we are together creating with God, and normally I would invite us to cast our eyes for-ward at this time to where we hear God calling us to be. But first at this time, I am forced into looking backward to a place where we have been and where it seems, some of us are stuck. It’s about worship and the amount of time we take to worship God.
It is clear to me and has been for a very long time that worship is not about us, but about God. Worship is the central activity of the Christian faith and it is the time that we come together as a corporate body to give to God praise and adoration. When we enter the sanctuary we need to leave everything outside of that holy place except for hearts open and prepared to worship God so that we can give to God our all – all our attention, all our praise, all our hearts, souls, lives.
I have found that whenever my mind is on other things it is not on God. According to a universal law of physics, two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. So if, during our worship we find ourselves focused on anything else, that is a missed opportunity for focusing on God, and we are in fact adulterating our relationship with God by attending to something else other than God.(Third, Ninth commandments)
As the Christmas Eve 11 pm service went longer than 60 minutes, at least one person thought it important to comment that “Rev. Scott has yet to learn how to do a 60 minute service.” And while we often get tired praising God, God never gets tired receiving our praises. Thank God that He also doesn’t get tired of us!
I might have missed many things in seminary, but the 60-minute service was not one of them. I have spent the last ten years in a formal educational setting learning about God and the things of God. Nowhere in that ten years or among any of the many respected and wise persons who have been my teachers have I been taught that God will punish me for holding a service of worship to God for longer than an hour. For pretending to worship I will be held accountable, for misleading the people, I will be held accountable and for failing to preach and teach the truth I will be held accountable, but not for taking a service past 60 minutes.
In fact the focus of worship is not time (chronos) which is a human concept of measurement, but rather season (kairos) which is a God-generated. The heart of the matter is whether we hold nothing back in giving praise and adoration to God who gives all things, among which, is time. God seeks true worshipers to worship him in spirit and in truth.( Read John Chapter 4)
Why do we find it so difficult to revel in the things of God and in the household of God and to give back to God who has so generously given to us? Why do we keep wanting to put God into a 60-minute box, when God is infinite?
If I am to be faulted, let me be faulted for having kept a service of worship just a little longer on an occasion such as the celebration of the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A special occasion. One of the highest, holiest days of the Christian calendar, for God deserves everything that we have.
And that is where you will find me, today, tomorrow …pointing the way to God, calling us back to God, not allowing us to relegate God to a side show. With God’s help and by God’s power you can look for me to stand on God’s side and to engage in God’s mission to save us from ourselves. That’s where the future is. That is what I look forward to, and I invite you to join me in a glorious future of never-ending praise to God.